StoRM v. 1.11.21

Released on 12.05.2021.


This release:

  • fixes the known issue about the upgrade to StoRM v1.11.20 which could break connections with MariaDB
  • fixes the boot order for both Frontend and Backend ensuring that mariadb service is started before StoRM services;
  • fixes the failed state shown on stop/restart of the Java services due to a misunderstood exit code meaning;
  • provides a set of scripts that can be used to edit from command line the storage space info related to a storage area.

Released components

Component Version Platform
StoRM Backend 1.11.21 centos7
StoRM WebDAV 1.4.1 centos7
StoRM Frontend 1.8.15 centos7
StoRM Utils 1.0.0 centos7

Bug fixes

  • [STOR-1395] - StoRM Backend service enters failed state when stopped
  • [STOR-1397] - Upgrading to StoRM v1.11.20 could break connections with MariaDB
  • [STOR-1398] - Ensure MariaDB is started before StoRM Frontend on boot
  • [STOR-1400] - StoRM WebDAV service enters failed state when stopped
  • [STOR-1401] - Ensure MariaDB is started before StoRM Backend on boot


  • [STOR-1430] - Provide a set of scripts to update Storage usage information


If you’re upgrading from StoRM v1.11.20, upgrade all the released packages:

yum update -y storm-backend-mp storm-backend-server storm-webdav storm-frontend-server

Ensure that Java 11 is set as your default runtime.

Now, you can restart services:

systemctl restart storm-backend-server storm-frontend-server storm-webdav

In case you have any kind of questions or problems please contact us.

Read more info about upgrading here