StoRM v. 1.11.7

CentOS 5 CentOS 6

Released on 09.02.2015


This release provides several bug fixes and a new component: storm-webdav. This new component provides a replacement for the StoRM GridHTTPs service.

Important: the StoRM WebDAV service is released and supported only on SL/CENTOS 6.

Released components

Component Version Platform
StoRM Backend 1.11.7 centos5 centos6
StoRM Frontend 1.8.7 centos5 centos6
StoRM WebDAV 1.0.2 centos5 centos6
YAIM StoRM 4.3.7 centos5 centos6

Bug fixes

  • [STOR-346] - WebDAV DELETE response is 401 UNAUTHORIZED instead of 404 NOT EXISTS for authorized users on nonexistent resources
  • [STOR-632] - StoRM WebDAV service handles multi-range partial get incorrectly
  • [STOR-652] - yaim-storm asks for a mandatory variable even if it's been defined
  • [STOR-669] - HTTP requests fail if path contains trailing slashes
  • [STOR-686] - Drop support for storm-SA-read storm-SA-write
  • [STOR-690] - StoRM returns SRM_SUCCESS as request status for SBOL when one of the multiple SURL is still SRM_REQUEST_QUEUED or SRM_IN_PROGRESS
  • [STOR-701] - StoRM should be able to serve ptg requests for the "xroot" protocol
  • [STOR-718] - Slow status update queries impact on mysql performance on multiple srmRm requests

Installation and configuration

Check the the StoRM WebDAV installation and configuration guide for storm-webdav detailed installation and configuration information.

You can find information about upgrade, clean installation and configuration of StoRM services in the System Administration Guide of the Documentation section.

Known issues