VOMS upgrade installation instructions

For VOMS 2.0.15, VOMS Admin server 3.8.0, VOMS Admin client 2.0.20

Upgrade preparation

It is always a good idea to dump the contents of the VOMS database. For MySQL-based installation follow the instructions in the database migration section.

Also archive the configuration files for VOMS and VOMS-Admin, which live in the following directories:


UMD repository configuration  

Follow the [UMD installation instructions][umd] to install basic UMD repositories.

If you want to install packages from the VOMS repository, follow the instructions given here.

Upgrading to the latest VOMS release  

After having properly configured the repositories as explained in the previous section, just run:

yum update

to get the latest versions of the VOMS packages.

If the release notes indicate that a reconfiguration of the services is required, run voms-configure with the same parameters that you used the first time you configured the VO. See the Configuration section for more information on how to install and reconfigure the VOMS services.

If the release notes indicate that restarting the VOMS services is required, run

  • Scientific Linux 6:

    service voms restart
    service voms-admin restart
  • CENTOS 7

    systemctl restart voms@'*'
    systemctl restart voms-admin

db upgrade Upgrading the VOMS database  

If the release notes of the version that you are installing indicate that an upgrade of the VOMS database is required, follow the procedure described below:

  1. Stop the services.
  2. Backup the contents of the VOMS database following the instructions in the database migration section.
  3. Run the upgrade script for each configured vo as follows:

    voms-db-util upgrade --vo <vo_name>
  4. Restart the services

Configuring the VOMS Admin container  

Since version 3.0.1 VOMS Admin does not depend anymore on Tomcat but uses an embedded Jetty container for running the VO web applications. Please set the host, port and ssl information by editing the


before reconfiguring the VOs (as explained in the following sections) or start the voms-admin server. See the [VOMS configuration reference][voms-conf-ref] for a detailed reference of configuration parameters.

Configuring file limits for the VOMS Admin container

It is safe to configure the VOMS Admin container to have a reasonable limit for the number of open files that can be opened by the voms-admin process (which runs as user voms). The default file limit can be modified by editing the /etc/security/limits.conf file:

voms          soft    nofile  63536
voms          hard    nofile  63536

Configuring memory for the VOMS Admin container

The default Java VM memory configuration for the VOMS Admin container is suitable for deployments which have at max 10 VOs configured, and is set in the voms-admin init script:

VOMS_JAVA_OPTS="-Xms256m -Xmx512m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m"

In case your server will host more VOs, you should adapt the memory configuration for the container accordingly. This can be done by setting the VOMS_JAVA_OPTS variable in the /etc/sysconfig/voms-admin file. We recommend to allocate roughly 50m of heap space and 75m of permanent space per VO. For example, for 15 VOs, the memory should be configured as follows:

VOMS_JAVA_OPTS="-Xms375m -Xmx750m -XX:MaxPermSize=1125m"

reconfiguration Reconfiguring the VOs

Sometimes a VOMS Admin upgrade requires a reconfiguration.

The VOs can be reconfigured using the voms-configure configuration tool (YAIM is no longer supported), or your favourite configuration management tool (e.g., puppet).

The voms-configure tool is the evolution of the voms-admin-configure script, and provides access to most VOMS and VOMS-Admin service configuration parameters. For more detailed information about the voms-configure tool, see the configuration section.

The following command shows a basic reconfiguration of the VO:

voms-configure install \
--vo <vo_name> \
--hostname <hostname> \
--dbname <dbname> \
--dbusername <dbusername> \
--dbpassword <dbpassword> \
--core-port 15000 \
--mail-from <mail-from> \
--smtp-host <smtp-host>

The above command will migrate the configuration to the latest supported version.

Save the command you use to configure your VOs in a script for future reference.

Once the configuration is over, you will need to upgrade the database as explained in the database upgrade section, i.e. running:

voms-configure upgrade --vo <vo_name>

for each configured VO and then restart the services with the following commands:

  • Scientific Linux 6:

    service voms restart
    service voms-admin restart
  • CENTOS 7

    systemctl restart voms@'*'
    systemctl restart voms-admin

Reconfiguring the information system

Follow the advice in the Configuration reference guide.