How-to publish storage site report

The following is an example of how make the storage site report in JSON readble from all VOs’ authenticated users through a WebDAV endpoint.

Configure a storage area  

The aim is allowing all the users to access - through a WebDAV endpoint - the JSON storage report.

In the following example, a dedicated storage area named info has been added and configured to be readable-only by all the users.

YAIM configuration

Configure info storage area as follow:

# Add `info` storage area to the storage area list:

# Set mandatory online size value (e.g. 1GB):

# Allow info storage area to be accessed from all the users of one (or more) VOs:
STORM_INFO_VONAME = "test.vo test.vo.2"

# Allow authenticated users ot access through WebDAV the content of `info`:

Deny write access to /info path to all users through path-authz.db file:

$ vim /etc/storm/backend-server/path-authz.db
# user   |        Path          |   Permission  |   ACE
# class  |                      |   mask        |   Type
  @ALL@     /info                    WFDMN            deny
  @ALL@     /                        WRFDLMN          permit

Run YAIM to apply configuration.

Puppet configuration

There’s no need to add the info storage area to the ones managed by StoRM Backend. We can add the info storage area only to storm::webdav class in order to implicit say that this storage area will be accessed only through HTTP and not through SRM. Configure this storage area with no VOs and set authenticated_read_enabled as true to allow browsing the report with your personal x509 certificate.

class { 'storm::webdav':
  # ...
  storage_areas => [{
    'name'                       => 'info',
    'root_path'                  => '/storage/info',
    'access_points'              => ['/info'],
    'vos'                        => [],
    'authenticated_read_enabled' => true,
  # ...

Apply Puppet configuration.

Periodically reload report  

Refresh script  

Write a simple bash script which runs info-provider, gets the updated json-report and replaces the old one.

set -x

TMP_REPORT_PATH="/tmp/site-report-$(date +%s).json"
if [ $# -gt 0 ]; then

# refresh report
/usr/libexec/storm-info-provider get-report-json -o $TMP_REPORT_PATH

# copy report to storage area

chown storm:storm $TARGET_REPORT_PATH

Save it into /root/


Create a cron-job that runs script hourly.

Create /etc/cron.d/update-site-report as follow:

*/30 * * * *      root    /bin/bash /root/

The script will be executed each 30 minutes. Read more info about cron jobs into the man page.

Configure periodic updates with Puppet

The same update script has been added to Puppet module since version 0.4.4.

You can add to your manifest (where StoRM Backend is defined) the following resources:

file { '/root/':
  ensure => 'present',
  source => 'puppet:///modules/storm/',

cron { 'update-site-report':
  ensure  => 'present',
  command => '/bin/bash /root/',
  user    => 'root',
  minute  => '*/20',
  require => File['/root/'],

exec { 'create-site-report':
  command => '/bin/bash /root/',
  require => File['/root/'],

This snippet executes the script and also creates the cron job. In alternative, you can use a defined type that does the same things:

storm::backend::storage_site_report { 'storage-site-report':
  report_path => '/storage/info/report.json',
  minute      => '*/20',

The report_path is the internal info storage area path where report has to be created. The minute can be used to customize the cron’s minute parameter.

Get JSON report through HTTP  

Acting as test0 user of test.vo VO, we can access storage area with a simple http get.

We need test0 user’s certificate test0.cert.pem and his unencrypted key test0.ukey.pem.

$ curl \
    --cert ./test0.cert.pem \
    --key ./test0.ukey.pem \
    --capath /etc/grid-security/certificates


    "storageservice": {
        "capabilities": [
        "implementation": "storm", 
        "implementationversion": "1.11.16", 
        "latestupdate": 1571388242, 
        "name": "storm-testbed", 
        "qualitylevel": "pre-production", 
        "storageendpoints": [
                "assignedshares": [
                "capabilities": [
                "endpointurl": "httpg://", 
                "interfacetype": "srm", 
                "interfaceversion": "2.2", 
                "name": "SRM_0", 
                "qualitylevel": "pre-production"
                "assignedshares": [
                "capabilities": [
                "endpointurl": "", 
                "interfacetype": "DAV", 
                "interfaceversion": "1.1", 
                "name": "HTTP_0", 
                "qualitylevel": "pre-production"
                "assignedshares": [
                "capabilities": [
                "endpointurl": "", 
                "interfacetype": "DAV", 
                "interfaceversion": "1.1", 
                "name": "HTTPS_0", 
                "qualitylevel": "pre-production"
        "storageshares": [
                "accesslatency": "online", 
                "assignedendpoints": [
                "name": "INFO_TOKEN", 
                "path": [
                "retentionpolicy": "replica", 
                "servingstate": "open", 
                "timestamp": 1571388242, 
                "totalsize": 1000000000, 
                "usedsize": 5824, 
                "vos": [
                "accesslatency": "nearline", 
                "assignedendpoints": [
                "name": "TAPE_TOKEN", 
                "path": [
                "retentionpolicy": "custodial", 
                "servingstate": "open", 
                "timestamp": 1571388242, 
                "totalsize": 14000000000, 
                "usedsize": 464525, 
                "vos": [
                "accesslatency": "online", 
                "assignedendpoints": [
                "name": "TESTVO_TOKEN", 
                "path": [
                "retentionpolicy": "replica", 
                "servingstate": "open", 
                "timestamp": 1571388242, 
                "totalsize": 24000000000, 
                "usedsize": 1315148151, 
                "vos": [
                "accesslatency": "online", 
                "assignedendpoints": [
                "name": "OAUTHAUTHZ_TOKEN", 
                "path": [
                "retentionpolicy": "replica", 
                "servingstate": "open", 
                "timestamp": 1571388242, 
                "totalsize": 4000000000, 
                "usedsize": 4096, 
                "vos": [