StoRM GridHTTPs configuration guide


From StoRM v1.11.7 the GridHTTPs server is deprecated. Install and configure the storm-webdav service instead.

The EMI3 GridHTTPs is the component responsible to provide:

  • HTTP(s) file-transfer capabilities: it’s possible to GET/PUT data via HTTP protocol but this is authorized only if a valid SRM prepare-to-get or SRM prepare-to-put has been successfully done before;
  • a WebDAV interface to the StoRM endpoint that conceals the details of the SRM protocol and allows users to mount remote Grid storage as a volume on their own desktops;
  • a mapping-service used by Backend that convert a real file path to a valid file-transfer URL.

YAIM configuration variables

All the GridHTTPs specific variables can be found in the following file:


Please copy it in your CONFDIR/services directory and edit as your needs. You have to set at least these mandatory variables:


and check the other variables to evaluate if you like the default set or if you want to change those settings. Table 1 summaries YAIM variables for StoRM GridHTTPs component.

Var. Name Description
STORM_BACKEND_HOST Host name of the StoRM Backend server. Mandatory.
STORM_BACKEND_REST_SERVICES_PORT StoRM Backend server REST port. Optional variable. Default value: 9998
STORM_BE_XMLRPC_PORT StoRM Backend server XMLRPC port. Optional variable. Default value: 8080
STORM_FRONTEND_PORT StoRM Frontend server SRM port. Optional variable. Default value: 8444
STORM_GRIDHTTPS_CERT_DIR Host certificate folder for SSL connector. Optional variable.
Default value: /etc/grid-security/STORM_GRIDHTTPS_USER
STORM_GRIDHTTPS_HTTP_ENABLED Flag that enables/disables http connections. Optional variable. Available values: true, false.
Default value: true
STORM_GRIDHTTPS_HTTP_PORT StoRM GridHTTPs http port. Optional variable.
Default value: 8085
STORM_GRIDHTTPS_HTTPS_PORT StoRM GridHTTPs https port Optional variable.
Default value: 8443
STORM_GRIDHTTPS_USER StoRM GridHTTPs service user. Optional variable.
Default value: gridhttps
STORM_SRM_ENDPOINT StoRM SRM EndPoint. Optional variable.
Default value: STORM_BACKEND_HOST:
STORM_USER StoRM Backend service user. Optional variable.
Default value: storm
X509_CERT_DIR The location of certificates truststore. Optional variable.
Default value: /etc/grid-security/certificates
X509_HOST_CERT Host certificate location.
Default value: /etc/grid-security/hostcert.pem
X509_HOST_KEY Host certificate key location. Optional variable.
Default value: /etc/grid-security/hostkey.pem
CANL_UPDATE_INTERVAL Canl truststore update time interval expressed in milliseconds. Optional variable. Default value: 600000 (1 minute)

Table 1: Specific StoRM GridHTTPs Variables.

##Advanced service configuration

The GridHTTPs component relies on a single configuration file that contains all the configurable parameters. This file is:


containing a list of:

key = value

pairs that can be used to configure the GridHTTPs server. In case a parameter is modified, the GridHTTPs service has to be restarted in order to read the new value.


EMI3 StoRM GridHTTPs server no longer needs Tomcat, cause it is now a web component residing in an embedded Jetty server. About Jetty server and its connectors configuration you can manage the following variables:

Var. name Description
http.enabled Flag to enable anonymous webdav and file-transfer connections. Available values: true, false. Default value: true
http.port Gridhttps http port for anonymous webdav and file-transfer connections. Default value: 8085
https.port Gridhttps https port for secure webdav and file-transfer connections. Default value: 8443
mapper.servlet.port Mapping-service http port.
Default value: 8086 Maximum number of active threads for server’s requests.
Default value: 150
max.queued.threads Maximum number of queued threads for server’s requests.
Default value: 300 x509 host certificate for SSL connector.
Default value: /etc/grid-security/gridhttps/hostcert.pem x509 host key for SSL connector.
Default value: /etc/grid-security/gridhttps/hostkey.pem Truststore location.
Default value: /etc/grid-security/certificates
x509.truststore.refresh-interval Canl truststore update time interval expressed in milliseconds.
Default value: 600000 (1 minute)

GridHTTPs’ log file is configurable:

Var. name Description
log.configuration-file GridHTTPs logging configuration file.
Default value: /etc/storm/gridhttps-server/logback.xml

GridHTTPs interacts with StoRM Backend to configure itself in bootstrap phase, to check user’s authorization access to resources, to perform SRM operation, to set checksum value on a file, etc. So it needs to know information about BE location and ports:

Var. name Description
backend.hostname StoRM Backend server full hostname.
backend.authorization-service.port StoRM Backend server REST port.
Default value: 9998
backend.srm-service.port StoRM Backend server XMLRPC port.
Default value: 8080
backend.xmlrpc.token Token used for communicating with the backend service. Mandatory, has no default

GridHTTPs works with SURLs so it needs to know a valid SRM endpoint:

Var. name Description
srm.endpoint StoRM SRM EndPoint.
Default value: $STORM_BACKEND_HOSTNAME:8444

GridHTTPs manage file transfers and file creation. So it computes checksum during transfers. The computed checksum type is adler32. This capability can be disabled.

Var. name Description
compute-checksum If compute-checksum is true, for every file created a valid adler32 checksum value is computed. Available values: true, false.
Default value: true

##GridHTTPs Logging

GridHTTPs’ log files are located in /var/log/storm/ directory. They are the followings:

  • storm-gridhttps-server.log For managed requests This is the main log file of StoRM GridHTTPs. All the information about the WebDAV, HTTP file-transfer and mapping requests, error or warning are logged here depending on the log level. At the INFO level, the GridHTTPs logs, for each operation, who have request the operation (DN and FQANs if not anonymous), on which file(s) (SURLs) and the operation result. At DEBUG level, much more information are printed regarding the status of many StoRM internal component, depending on the request type. DEBUG level has to be used carefully only for troubleshooting operation. If ERROR or FATAL level are used, the only event logged in the file are due to error condition.

  • storm-backend.stdout This file contains the standard out of the GridHTTPs process. Usually it does not contains any useful information.

  • storm-backend.stderr This file contains the event logged as ERROR or FATAL conditions. This event logs are presents both in the storm-gridhttps-server.log file and here.

The logging level of these files can be specified editing the configuration file logback.xml located in /etc/storm/gridhttps-server/ directory modifying the level value of:

  <logger name="it.grid.storm" level="INFO">
    <appender-ref ref="PROCESS" />

The supported logging levels are: FATAL, ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG and TRACE.

The suggest logging level for production endpoint is INFO. In case the log level is modified, there’s no need to restart GridHTTPs service.