Index / Installation Guides / StoRM Frontend / Installation and configuration guide

StoRM Frontend installation and configuration guide


The StoRM Frontend service provides a SRM interface for storage management and data access supporting VOMS authentication and authorization mechanisms.

Install the service package

Grab the latest package from the StoRM repository. See instructions here.

Install the metapackage:

yum install storm-frontend-mp

Service configuration

The Frontend component relies on a single configuration file that contains all the configurable parameters. This file is:


containing a list of key-value pairs that can be used to configure the Frontend server. In case a parameter is modified, the Frontend service has to be restarted in order to read the new value.

Currently, the Frontend’s configuration parameters can be divided per section as follows.

Database settings

Property Name Description Host for database connection. Default is localhost
db.user User for database connection. Default is storm
db.passwd Password for database connection. Default is password

Service settings

Property Name Description
fe.port Frontend service port. Default is 8444
fe.threadpool.threads.number Size of the worker thread pool. Default is 50
fe.threadpool.maxpending Size of the internal queue used to maintain SRM tasks in case there are no free worker threads. Default is 200
fe.gsoap.maxpending Size of the GSOAP queue used to maintain pending SRM requests. Default is 1000

Log settings

Property Name Description
log.filename Full log file name path.
Default is /var/log/storm/storm-frontend.log
log.debuglevel Logging level. Possible values are: ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG, DEBUG2. Default is INFO

Monitoring settings

Property Name Description
monitoring.enabled Enable/disable monitoring. Default is true.
monitoring.timeInterval Time interval in seconds between each monitoring round. Default is 60.
monitoring.detailed Enable/disable detailed monitoring. Default is false.

XML-RPC communication settings

Property Name Description Backend hostname. Default is localhost.
be.xmlrpc.port Backend XML-RPC server port. Default is 8080.
be.xmlrpc.token Token used for communicating with Backend service. Mandatory, has no default.
be.xmlrpc.path XML-RPC server path. Default is /RPC2.
be.xmlrpc.check.ascii Enable/disable ASCII checking on strings to be sent via XML-RPC. Default is true.

REST communication settings

Property Name Description
be.recalltable.port REST server port running on the Backend machine. Default is 9998.

Blacklisting settings

Property Name Description
check.user.blacklisting Enable/disable user blacklisting. Default is false.
argus-pepd-endpoint The complete service endpoint of Argus PEP server. Mandatory if check.user.blacklisting is true.
Example: https://argus-pep-host:8154/authz

Proxy settings

Property Name Description
security.enable.mapping Flag to enable/disable DN-to-userid mapping via gridmap-file. Default is false.
security.enable.vomscheck Flag to enable/disable checking proxy VOMS credentials. Default is true.

General settings

Property Name Description
wsdl.file WSDL file, complete with path, to be returned in case of GET request.

Configure the service with YAIM

StoRM Frontend can be configured with YAIM tool on CentOS 6 platform.

Read more about YAIM tool here and what are the general YAIM variables for a StoRM deployment.

Here is a minimal YAIM configuration example for a Frontend node:

## The site name

## BDII hostname

## List of NTP hosts

## Users configuration

## Groups configuration

## Supported VOs.

## Backend hostname

## Database hostname and password

## Backend's XMLRPC secret token

To configure the service with yaim, run the following command:

/opt/glite/yaim/bin/yaim -c -s SITEINFO.def -n se_storm_frontend

Configure the service with Puppet

The StoRM puppet module can be used to configure the service on CentOS 7 platform.

The module contains the storm::frontend class that installs the metapackage storm-frontend-mp and allows site administrator to configure storm-frontend-server service by managing the following files:

  • /etc/storm/frontend-server/storm-frontend-server.conf
  • /etc/sysconfig/storm-frontend-server

The whole list of StoRM Frontend class parameters can be found here.

Example of StoRM Frontend configuration done through storm::frontend class:

class { 'storm::frontend':
  be_xmlrpc_host  => 'backend.test.example',
  be_xmlrpc_token => 'NS4kYAZuR65XJCq',
  db_host         => 'backend.test.example',
  db_user         => 'storm',
  db_passwd       => 'storm',


The Frontend logs information on the service status and the SRM requests received and managed by the process. The Frontend’s log supports different level of logging (ERROR, WARNING, INFO, DEBUG, DEBUG2) that can be set from the dedicated parameter in storm-frontend-server.conf configuration file. The Frontend log file named storm-frontend-server.log is placed in the /var/log/storm directory. At start-up time, the FE prints here the whole set of configuration parameters, this can be useful to check desired values. When a new SRM request is managed, the FE logs information about the user (DN and FQANs) and the requested parameters. At each SRM request, the FE logs also this important information:

03/19 11:51:42 0x88d4ab8 main: AUDIT - Active tasks: 3
03/19 11:51:42 0x88d4ab8 main: AUDIT - Pending tasks: 0

about the status of the worker pool threads and the pending process queue. Active tasks is the number of worker threads actually running. Pending tasks is the number of SRM requests queued in the worker pool queue. These data gives important information about the Frontend load.

The monitoring.log file

Monitoring service, if enabled, provides information about the operations executed in a certain amount of time writing them on file /var/log/storm/monitoring.log. This amount of time (called Monitoring Round) is configurable via the configuration property monitoring.timeInterval; its default value is 1 minute. At each Monitoring Round, a single row is printed on log. This row reports both information about requests that have been performed in the last Monitoring Round and information considering the whole FE execution time (Aggregate Monitoring). Informations reported are generated from both Synchronous and Asynchronous requests and tell the user:

  • how many requests have been performed in the last Monitoring Round,
  • how many of them were successful,
  • how many failed,
  • how many produced an error,
  • the average execution time,
  • the minimum execution time,
  • the maximum execution time.

This row reports the Monitoring Summary and this is the default behavior of the monitoring service.


03/20 14:19:11 : [# 22927 lifetime=95:33:18] S [OK:47,F:15,E:0,m:0.085,M:3.623,Avg:0.201] A [OK:16,F:0,E:0,m:0.082,M:0.415,Avg:0.136]
  Last:(S [OK:12,F:5,E:0,m:0.091,M:0.255] A [OK:6,F:0,E:0,m:0.121,M:0.415])

Furthermore it can be requested a more detailed Frontend Monitoring activity by setting the configuration property monitoring.detailed to true. Doing this, at each Monitoring Round for each kind of SRM operation performed in the Monitoring Round (srmls, srmPtp, srmRm, …) the following information are printed in a section with header “Last round details:”:

  • how many request succeeded,
  • how many failed,
  • how many produced an error,
  • the average execution time,
  • the minimum execution time,
  • the maximum execution time,
  • the execution time standard deviation.

This is called the Detailed Monitoring Round. After this, the Monitoring Summary is printed. Then, considering the whole Frontend execution time, in a section with header “Details:”, a similar detailed summary is printed. This is called the Aggregate Detailed Monitoring.


03/20 14:19:11 : Last round details:
03/20 14:19:11 : [PTP] [OK:3,F:0,E:0,Avg:0.203,Std Dev:0.026,m:0.183,M:0.240]
03/20 14:19:11 : [Put done] [OK:2,F:0,E:0,Avg:0.155,Std Dev:0.018,m:0.136,M:0.173]
03/20 14:19:11 : [# 22927 lifetime=95:33:18] S [OK:47,F:15,E:0,m:0.085,M:3.623,Avg:0.201] A [OK:16,F:0,E:0,m:0.082,M:0.415,Avg:0.136]
  Last:(S [OK:12,F:5,E:0,m:0.091,M:0.255] A [OK:6,F:0,E:0,m:0.121,M:0.415])
03/20 14:19:11 : Details:
03/20 14:19:11 : [PTP] [OK:7,F:0,E:0,Avg:0.141,Std Dev:0.057,m:0.085,M:0.240]
03/20 14:19:11 : [Put done] [OK:5,F:0,E:0,Avg:0.152,Std Dev:0.027,m:0.110,M:0.185]
03/20 14:19:11 : [Release files] [OK:4,F:0,E:0,Avg:0.154,Std Dev:0.044,m:0.111,M:0.216]
03/20 14:19:11 : [Rm] [OK:3,F:0,E:0,Avg:0.116,Std Dev:0.004,m:0.111,M:0.122]


  • Operations not performed in current Monitoring Round are not printed in Detailed Monitoring Round.
  • Operations never performed are not printed in Aggregate Detailed Monitoring.
  • Operation performed in current Monitoring Round are aggregated in Aggregate Detailed Monitoring.

gSOAP tracefile

If you have problem at gSOAP level, and you have already looked at the troubleshooting section of the StoRM site without finding a solution, and you are brave enough, you could try to find some useful information on the gSOAP log file. To enable gSOAP logging, set the following environment variables:

$ export CGSI_TRACE=1
$ export CGSI_TRACEFILE=/tmp/tracefile

and restart the Frontend daemon by calling directly the init script /etc/init.d/storm-frontend-server and see if the error messages contained in /tmp/tracefile could help. Please be very careful, it prints really a huge amount of information.

Index / Installation Guides / StoRM Frontend / Installation and configuration guide