Index / Installation Guides / StoRM WebDAV / Support for TPC

StoRM WebDAV support for Third Party Copy transfers

Starting with version 1.1.0, StoRM WebDAV supports third party copy transfers.

Configuring support for third-party transfers

Third party transfer support is enabled and active by default, but will work as expected only when properly configured.

Hostname configuration

Support for third-party transfers is implemented by supporting a COPY method request where the Source or Destination header points to a remote resource.

In order to tell apart remote resources from local ones, StoRM webdav must be configured accordingly.

This is done via the STORM_WEBDAV_HOSTNAME_0, STORM_WEBDAV_HOSTNAME_1, …, environment variables, which allow to define for which hostnames (and aliases) the service is serving requests.



OAuth authorization server configuration

The OAuth authorization server can be used by clients such as FTS to obtain an OAuth access token that grants the same privileges as a VOMS credential. This mechanism is currently used to implement a form of delegated authorization in support of third-party transfers.

The tokens issued by the StoRM WebDAV OAuth authorization servers will only be accepted by the StoRM WebDAV service instances. In a replicated setup, just ensure that the OAuth server configuration is consistent across the replicas.

Below is an example of configuration:

# THe issuer linked to the issued tokens. This is typically the 'https://' followed
# by the storm webdav instance main alias.

# The secret used to sign the tokens. 

# The maximum token lifetime in seconds (43200 = 12 hours)

# This will allow access to token-based authorized clients over HTTPS, by 
# dropping the requirement for client certificate authentication

For other configuration options, see the /etc/sysconfig/storm-webdav file.

Index / Installation Guides / StoRM WebDAV / Support for TPC