StoRM System Administration Guide

version: 1.11.3

Table of contents

Installation Prerequisites  

All the StoRM components are certified to work on Scientific Linux SL5/64 (x86_64) and Scientific Linux SL6/64 (x86_64) both with an EPEL repository for external dependencies. Therefore install a proper version of Scientific Linux on your machine(s). All the information about the OS Scientific Linux can be found at here. SL5 and SL6 are also available in the SL5.X and SL6.X repositories respectively mirrored at CERN. There are no specific minimum hardware requirements but it is advisable to have at least 1GB of RAM on Backend host.

General EMI 3 installation instructions  

Official releases are done in the contest of the EMI project so follow the general EMI 3 installation instructions as first installation prerequisite. In particular, check the followings:

NTP service must be installed

To check:

$ rpm -qa | grep ntp-
$ chkconfig --list | grep ntpd
ntpd            0:off   1:off   2:on    3:on    4:on    5:on    6:off

To install:

$ yum install ntp
$ chkconfig ntpd on
$ service ntpd restart

Hostname must be set correctly

Hostname must be a Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN).

To check:

$ hostname -f

The command must return the host FQDN.

To correct: Unless you are using bind or NIS for host lookups you can change the FQDN and the DNS domain name, which is part of the FQDN, in the /etc/hosts file.

$ cat /etc/hosts

# Do not remove the following line, or various programs
# that require network functionality will fail.       MYHOSTNAME.MYDOMAIN MYHOSTNAME localhost.localdomain localhost
::1             localhost6.localdomain6 localhost6

Set your own MYHOSTNAME and MYDOMAIN and restart the network service:

$ service network restart

Host needs a valid X.509 certificate

Hosts participating to the StoRM-SE (FE, BE, GridHTTP and GridFTP hosts) service must be configured with X.509 certificates signed by a trusted Certification Authority (CA). Usually, the hostcert.pem and hostkey.pem certificates are located in the /etc/grid-security/ directory, and they must have permission 0644 and 0400 respectively:

To check:

$ ls -l /etc/grid-security/hostkey.pem
-r-------- 1 root root 887 Mar  1 17:08 /etc/grid-security/hostkey.pem
$ ls -l /etc/grid-security/hostcert.pem
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1440 Mar  1 17:08 /etc/grid-security/hostcert.pem
$ openssl x509 -checkend 0 -in hostcert.pem

Certificate will not expire.

To change permission:

$ chmod 0400 /etc/grid-security/hostkey.pem
$ chmod 0644 /etc/grid-security/hostcert.pem

System users and file limits  

The StoRM frontend and backend services run by default as user storm (to change the default settings see Backend Configuration).

The StoRM GridHTTPs server runs as user gridhttps (this also can be configured, see GridHTTPs Configuration).

You can use the following commands to create the StoRM users on the machines where you are deploying the services:

# add storm user (-M means without an home directory)
$ useradd -M storm
# add gridhttps user (specifying storm as group)
$ useradd gridhttps -M -G storm

You could also use specific user and group IDs as follows (change the text contained in angled brackets with the appropriate numerical value for your installation):

$ useradd -M storm -u <MY_STORM_UID> -g <MY_STORM_GID>
$ useradd gridhttps -M -G storm -u <MY_GHTTPS_UID> -g <MY_GHTTPS_GID>

Important Keep UIDs and GIDs aligned for the StoRM users and groups on distributed deployments (i.e. when the services are installed on different machines). This can be done using NIS (see a tutorial here) or LDAP (see Appendix A).

File limits

The following settings are recommended to safely run the StoRM services. Put these settings in /etc/security/limits.conf or in a file contained in the /etc/security/limits.d directory (recommended):

# StoRM frontend and backend services
storm hard nofile 8192
storm soft nofile 8192
# StoRM GridHTTPs service
gridhttps hard nofile 65535
gridhttps soft nofile 65535

ACL support  

StoRM uses the ACLs on files and directories to implement the security model. In so doing, StoRM uses the native access to the file system. Therefore in order to ensure a proper running, ACLs need to be enabled on the underlying file system (sometimes they are enabled by default) and work properly.

To check:

$ touch test
$ setfacl -m u:storm:rw test

Note: the storm user adopted to set the ACL entry must exist.

$ getfacl test
# file: test
# owner: root
# group: root
$ rm -f test

If the getfacl and setfacl commands are not available on your host you have to install acl package:

$ yum install acl

To enable ACL (if needed), you must add the acl property to the relevant file system in your /etc/fstab file. For example:

$ vi /etc/fstab
/dev/hda3     /storage		ext3     defaults, acl     1 2

Then you need to remount the affected partitions as follows:

$ mount -o remount /storage

This is valid for different file system types (i.e., ext3, xfs, gpfs and others).

Extended Attribute support  

StoRM uses the Extended Attributes (EA) on files to store some metadata related to the file (e.g. the checksum value); therefore in order to ensure a proper running, the EA support needs to be enabled on the underlying file system and work properly. Note: Depending on OS kernel distribution, for Reiser3, ext2 and ext3 file systems, the default kernel configuration should not enable the EA.

To check:

$ touch testfile
$ setfattr -n user.testea -v test testfile
$ getfattr -d testfile
# file: testfile
$ rm -f testfile

If the getfattr and setfattrl commands are not available on your host, install attr package:

$ yum install attr

To enable EA (if needed) you must add the user_xattr property to the relevant file systems in your /etc/fstab file. For example:

$ vi /etc/fstab
/dev/hda3     /storage     ext3     defaults,acl,user_xattr     1 2

Then you need to remount the affected partitions as follows:

$ mount -o remount /storage

Storage Area’s permissions  

All the Storage Areas managed by StoRM needs to be owned by the STORM_USER. This means that if STORM_USER is storm, for example, the storage-area test root directory permissions must be:

drwxr-x---+  2 storm storm

YAIM-StoRM doesn’t set the correct permissions if the SA’s root directory already exists. So, the site administrator has to take care of it. To set the correct permissions on a storage area, you can launch the following commands (assuming that storm runs as user storm, which is the default):

chown -RL storm:storm <sa-root-directory>
chmod -R o-rwx,g+r <sa-root-directory>

If the storm GridHTTPs server is also enabled for a storage area, you also have to make sure that the GridHTTPs can access the files. To set the correct permissions, you could use the following command (assuming that the gridhttps server runs as user gridhttps, which is the default):

setfacl -m g:gridhttps:x <sa-root-directory>
find <sa-root-directory> -type d -exec setfacl -m g:gridhttps:x {} \;

Installation guide  

StoRM Upgrade to EMI3  

In order to upgrade your current version of StoRM from EMI1 or EMI2 to EMI3 you need to install the EMI3 repos.
Depending on your platform, download and install the right EMI release package, as described in the Repository settings section.

Then execute:

$ yum clean all
$ yum -y update


If you are upgrading a StoRM installation that runs on top of GPFS, be sure to install the `storm-native-libs-gpfs` package after the update has completed, issuing the following command:
$ yum install storm-native-libs-gpfs

If you are also upgrading the StoRM GridHTTPs server component, after the installation you can remove tomcat because it’s no more used by EMI3 GridHTTPs. Of course, you can do this if you are not using tomcat for other purposes:

$ yum remove tomcat5

To configure your StoRM services please read the Configuration section.
An example of YAIM use for configuring all the services on the same host is reported below:

$ /opt/glite/yaim/bin/yaim -c -d 6 -s /etc/storm/siteinfo/storm.def -n se_storm_backend -n se_storm_frontend -n se_storm_gridftp -n se_storm_gridhttps

Please take a look at the Launching YAIM configuration section for further details.

Repository settings  

In order to install all the stuff requested by StoRM, some repositories have to be necessarily configured in the /etc/yum.repos.d directory. These are EPEL, EGI and EMI and have to be installed, as prerequisite, as we have already seen in the paragraph general EMI 3 installation instructions.

Common repository settings  

To install EPEL Repository download and install the EPEL release file.


$ wget
$ yum localinstall --nogpgcheck epel-release-5-4.noarch.rpm


$ wget
$ yum localinstall --nogpgcheck epel-release-6-8.noarch.rpm

To install EGI Trust Anchors Repository follow EGI instructions.

You must disable the DAG repository if enabled. To check if it is enabled:

$ grep enabled /etc/yum.repos.d/dag.repo

To disable the DAG repository, if needed, you must set to 0 the enabled property in your /etc/yum.repos.d/dag.repo file:

$ vi /etc/yum.repos.d/dag.repo

EMI Repository settings  

To install EMI repository download and install the EMI release file:


$ wget
$ yum localinstall --nogpgcheck emi-release-3.0.0-2.el5.noarch.rpm


$ wget
$ yum localinstall --nogpgcheck emi-release-3.0.0-2.el6.noarch.rpm

StoRM Repository settings

StoRM can also be installed from StoRM PT own repositories. Note that the StoRM PT repositories only provide the latest version of the certified StoRM packages. You still need to install EMI3 repositories (as detailed above) for installations to work as expected.

To install the repository files, run the following commands (as root):

    (SL5) $ wget -O /etc/yum.repos.d/storm_sl5.repo
    (SL6) $ wget -O /etc/yum.repos.d/storm_sl6.repo

Install StoRM nodes  

In order to install StoRM components refresh the yum cache:

$ yum clean all

Install the StoRM metapackages you need in every node partecipating to the StoRM instance.

$ yum install emi-storm-backend-mp
$ yum install emi-storm-frontend-mp
$ yum install emi-storm-globus-gridftp-mp
$ yum install emi-storm-gridhttps-mp

The storm-srm-client is distributed with the UI EMI components, but if you need it on your node you can install it using the command:

$ yum install emi-storm-srm-client-mp


StoRM is configured by using the YAIM tool, that is a set of configuration scripts that read a set of configuration files. It’s recommended to follow the yaim configuration or the advanced configuration guides to set up your StoRM deployment.

Optionally, as a quick start, you can follow these instructions to quickly configure StoRM.

First of all, download and install the pre-assembled configuration:

$ yum install storm-pre-assembled-configuration

and then edit /etc/storm/siteinfo/storm.def with:

	STORM_BACKEND_HOST="<your full hostname>"

In case of SL6 and SL5.X with X>=9 you probably need to modify also:


Then you can configure StoRM by launching YAIM with:

$ /opt/glite/yaim/bin/yaim -c -d 6 -s /etc/storm/siteinfo/storm.def -n se_storm_backend -n se_storm_frontend -n se_storm_gridftp -n se_storm_gridhttps

as better explained here.

General YAIM variables  


Create a site-info.def file in your CONFDIR/ directory. Edit this file by providing a value to the general variables summarized in Tab.1.

Var. Name Description Mandatory
SITE_NAME It’s the human-readable name of your site used to set the Glue-SiteName attribute.
BDII_HOST BDII hostname.
Example: BDII_HOST=””
NTP_HOSTS_IP Space separeted list of the IP addresses of the NTP servers (preferably set a local ntp server and a public one, e.g.
Example: NTP_HOSTS_IP=””
USERS_CONF Path to the file containing the list of Linux users (pool accounts) to be created. This file must be created by the site administrator. It contains a plain list of the users and their IDs. An example of this configuration file is given in /opt/glite/yaim/examples/users.conf file. More details can be found in the User configuration section in the YAIM guide. Yes
GROUPS_CONF Path to the file containing information on the map- ping between VOMS groups and roles to local groups. An example of this configuration file is given in /opt/glite/yaim/examples/groups.conf file. More details can be found in the Group configuration section in the YAIM guide. Yes
MYSQL_PASSWORD mysql root password.
Example: MYSQL_PASSWORD=”carpediem”
VOS List of supported VOs.
Example: VOS=” dteam”
STORM_BE_XMLRPC_TOKEN Token used in communication to the StoRM Backend Yes

Table 1: General YAIM Variables.

Frontend configuration  

Specific YAIM variables are in the following file:

$ /opt/glite/yaim/examples/siteinfo/services/se_storm_frontend

Please copy and edit that file in your CONFDIR/services directory. You have to set at least the STORM_DB_PWD variable and check the other variables to evaluate if you like the default set or if you want to change those settings. Tab.2 summaries YAIM variables for StoRM Frontend component.

Var. Name Description
ARGUS_PEPD_ENDPOINTS The complete service endpoint of Argus PEP server. Mandatory if STORM_FE_USER_BLACKLISTING is true. Example: https://host.domain:8154/authz
STORM_BACKEND_REST_SERVICES_PORT StoRM backend server rest port. Optional variable. Default value: 9998
STORM_BE_XMLRPC_PATH StoRM Backend XMLRPC server path.
Optional variable. Default value: /RPC2
STORM_BE_XMLRPC_PORT StoRM Backend XMLRPC server port.
Optional variable. Default value: 8080
STORM_CERT_DIR Host certificate directory for StoRM Frontend service. Optional variable. Default value: /etc/grid-security/${STORM_USER}
STORM_DB_HOST Host for database connection.
Optional variable. Default value: localhost
STORM_DB_PWD Password for database connection. Mandatory.
STORM_DB_USER User for database connection. Default value: storm
STORM_FE_ENABLE_MAPPING Enable the check in gridmapfile for client DN.
Optional variable. Available values: true, false. Default value: false
STORM_FE_ENABLE_VOMSCHECK Enable the check in gridmapfile for client VOMS attributes.
Optional variable. Available values: true, false. Default value: false
STORM_FE_GSOAP_MAXPENDING Max number of request pending in the GSOAP queue. Optional variable. Default value: 2000
STORM_FE_LOG_FILE StoRM frontend log file.
Optional variable. Default value: /var/log/storm/storm-frontend.log
STORM_FE_LOG_LEVEL StoRM Frontend log level.
Optional variable. Available values: KNOWN, ERROR, WARNING, INFO, DEBUG, DEBUG2.
Default value: INFO
STORM_FE_MONITORING_DETAILED Flag to enable/disable detailed SRM requests Monitoring. Optional variable. Available values: true, false. Default value: false
STORM_FE_MONITORING_ENABLED Flag to enable/disable SRM requests Monitoring.
Optional variable. Available values: true, false. Default value: true
STORM_FE_MONITORING_TIME_INTERVAL Time intervall in seconds between each Monitoring round. Optional variable. Default value: 60
STORM_FE_THREADS_MAXPENDING Max number of request pending in the Threads queue. Optional variable. Default value: 200
STORM_FE_THREADS_NUMBER Max number of threads to manage user’s requests. Optional variable. Default value: 50
STORM_FE_USER_BLACKLISTING Flag to enable/disable user blacklisting.
Optional variable. Available values: true, false. Default value: false
STORM_FE_WSDL WSDL to be returned to a GET request.
Optional variable. Default value: /usr/share/wsdl/srm.v2.2.wsdl
STORM_FRONTEND_OVERWRITE This parameter tells YAIM to overwrite storm-frondend.conf configuration file.
Optional variable. Available values: true, false. Default value: true
STORM_FRONTEND_PORT StoRM Frontend service port. Optional variable. Default value: 8444
STORM_PEPC_RESOURCEID Argus StoRM resource identifier. Optional variable. Default value: storm
STORM_PROXY_HOME Directory used to exchange proxies.
Optional variable. Default value: /etc/storm/tmp
STORM_USER Service user.
Optional variable. Default value: storm

Table 2: Specific StoRM Frontend Variables.

NOTE - The following table contains the YAIM variables no more used from StoRM v.1.11.2:

Var. Name Description
STORM_FE_BE_XMLRPC_HOST DELETED It was used to tell to the Frontend the XMLRPC endpoint. But this endpoint, for the Frontend, is always the StoRM Backend hostname which value is already contained by STORM_BACKEND_HOST variable. So yaim now sets frontend’s variable with STORM_BACKEND_HOST.

Table 3: YAIM variables no more used from StoRM v.1.11.2

Backend configuration  

Specific YAIM variables are in the following file:

$ /opt/glite/yaim/exaples/siteinfo/services/se_storm_backend

Please copy and edit that file in your CONFDIR/services directory. You have to set at least these variables:


and check the other variables to evaluate if you like the default set or if you want to change those settings. Tab.3 summaries YAIM variables for StoRM Backend component.

Var. Name Description
STORM_ACLMODE ACL enforcing mechanism (default value for all Storage Areas). Note: you may change the settings for each SA acting on STORM_{SA}_ACLMODE variable. Available values: aot, jit (use aot for WLCG experiments).
Optional variable. Default value: aot
STORM_ANONYMOUS_HTTP_READ Storage Area anonymous read access via HTTP. Note: you may change the settings for each SA acting on STORM_{SA}_ANONYMOUS_HTTP_READ variable.
Optional variable. Available values: true, false. Default value: false
STORM_AUTH Authorization mechanism (default value for all Storage Ar- eas). Note: you may change the settings for each SA acting on $STORM_{SA}_AUTH variable Available values: permit-all, deny-all, FILENAME.
Optional variable. Default value: permit-all
STORM_BACKEND_HOST Host name of the StoRM Backend server. Mandatory.
STORM_BACKEND_REST_SERVICES_PORT StoRM backend server rest port. Optional variable. Default value: 9998
STORM_CERT_DIR Host certificate directory for StoRM Backend service.
Optional variable. Default value: /etc/grid-security/${STORM_USER}
STORM_DEFAULT_ROOT Default directory for Storage Areas. Mandatory.
STORM_DB_HOST Host for database connection.
Optional variable. Default value: localhost
STORM_DB_PWD Password for database connection. Mandatory.
STORM_DB_USER User for database connection.
Optional variable. Default value: storm
STORM_FRONTEND_HOST_LIST StoRM Frontend service host list: SRM endpoints can be more than one virtual host different from STORM_BACKEND_HOST (i.e. dynamic DNS for multiple StoRM Frontends).
Optional variable. Default value: $STORM_BACKEND_HOST
STORM_FRONTEND_PATH StoRM Frontend service path.
Optional variable. Default value: /srm/managerv2
STORM_FRONTEND_PORT StoRM Frontend service port. Optional variable. Default value: 8444
STORM_FRONTEND_PUBLIC_HOST StoRM Frontend service public host.
Optional variable. Default value: $STORM_BACKEND_HOST
STORM_FSTYPE File System Type (default value for all Storage Areas). Note: you may change the settings for each SA acting on $STORM_{SA}_FSTYPE variable.
Optional variable. Available values: posixfs, gpfs. Default value: posixfs
STORM_GRIDFTP_POOL_LIST GridFTP servers pool list (default value for all Storage Areas). Note: you may change the settings for each SA acting on $STORM_{SA}_GRIDFTP_POOL_LIST variable.
ATTENTION: this variable define a list of pair values space-separated: host weight, e.g.: STORM_GRIDFTP_POOL_LIST=”host1 weight1, host2 weight2, host3 weight3” Weight has 0-100 range; if not specified, weight will be 100.
Optional variable. Default value: $STORM_BACKEND_HOST
STORM_GRIDFTP_POOL_STRATEGY Load balancing strategy for GridFTP server pool (default value for all Storage Areas). Note: you may change the settings for each SA acting on $STORM_{SA}_GRIDFTP_POOL_STRATEGY variable.
Optional variable. Available values: round-robin, smart-rr, random, weight. Default value: round-robin
STORM_GRIDHTTP_POOL_LIST GridHTTPs servers pool list (default value for all Storage Areas). Specify here all the endpoints that BE can use when it builds an HTTP TURL. The endpoint retrieved with the TURL will be builded using STORM_GRIDHTTP_HTTP_PORT as port. Note: you may change the settings for each SA acting on $STORM_{SA}_GRIDHTTP_POOL_LIST variable.
ATTENTION: this variable define a list of pair values space-separated: host weight, e.g.: STORM_GRIDHTTP_POOL_LIST=”host1 weight1, host2 weight2, host3 weight3” Weight has 0-100 range; if not specified, weight will be 100.
Optional variable. Default value: $STORM_BACKEND_HOST
STORM_GRIDHTTP_POOL_STRATEGY Load balancing strategy for GridHTTPs servers pool, used when the BE builds an HTTP TURL. Optional variable. Available values: round-robin, smart-rr, random, weight. Default value: round-robin
STORM_GRIDHTTPS_ENABLED If set to true enables the support of http(s) protocols.
Optional variable. Available values: true, false. Default value: false
STORM_GRIDHTTPS_PLUGIN_CLASSNAME GridHTTPs plugin implementation class.
Optional variable. Mandatory to value it.grid.storm.https.GhttpsHTTPSPluginInterface if StoRM GridHTTPs is installed.
Default value: it.grid.storm.https.HTTPSPluginInterfaceStub
STORM_GRIDHTTPS_POOL_LIST GridHTTPs servers pool list (default value for all Storage Areas). Specify here all the endpoints that BE can use when it builds an HTTPS TURL. The endpoint retrieved with the TURL will be builded using STORM_GRIDHTTPS_HTTPS_PORT as port. Note: you may change the settings for each SA acting on $STORM_{SA}_GRIDHTTPS_POOL_LIST variable.
ATTENTION: this variable define a list of pair values space-separated: host weight, e.g.: STORM_GRIDHTTPS_POOL_LIST=”host1 weight1, host2 weight2, host3 weight3” Weight has 0-100 range; if not specified, weight will be 100.
Optional variable. Default value: $STORM_BACKEND_HOST
STORM_GRIDHTTPS_POOL_STRATEGY Load balancing strategy for GridHTTPs servers pool, used when the BE builds an HTTPS TURL. Optional variable. Available values: round-robin, smart-rr, random, weight. Default value: round-robin
STORM_GRIDHTTPS_SERVER_USER_UID StoRM GridHTTPs server service user UID. It’s the user id of the user specified by the value of the GridHTTPs’ configuration variable STORM_GRIDHTTPS_USER. Note: from EMI3 this user id is no more tomcat’s user uid Mandatory if STORM_GRIDHTTPS_ENABLED is true
STORM_GRIDHTTPS_SERVER_GROUP_UID StoRM GridHTTPs server service user GID. It’s the group id of the user specified by the value of the GridHTTPs’ configuration variable STORM_GRIDHTTPS_USER. Mandatory if STORM_GRIDHTTPS_ENABLED is true
STORM_GRIDHTTPS_HTTP_PORT StoRM GridHTTPs server mapping service port. Optional variable. Default value: 8086
STORM_INFO_FILE_SUPPORT If set to false, the following variables prevent the corresponding protocol to be published by the StoRM gip.
Optional variable. Available values: true, false. Default value: true
STORM_INFO_GRIDFTP_SUPPORT If set to false, the following variables prevent the corresponding protocol to be published by the StoRM gip.
Optional variable. Available values: true, false. Default value: true
STORM_INFO_RFIO_SUPPORT If set to false, the following variables prevent the corresponding protocol to be published by the StoRM gip.
Optional variable. Available values: true, false. Default value: false
STORM_INFO_ROOT_SUPPORT If set to false, the following variables prevent the corresponding protocol to be published by the StoRM gip.
Optional variable. Available values: true, false. Default value: false
STORM_INFO_HTTP_SUPPORT If set to false, the following variables prevent the corresponding protocol to be published by the StoRM gip.
Optional variable. Available values: true, false. Default value: false
STORM_INFO_HTTPS_SUPPORT If set to false, the following variables prevent the corresponding protocol to be published by the StoRM gip.
Optional variable. Available values: true, false. Default value: false
STORM_INFO_OVERWRITE This parameter tells YAIM to overwrite static-file-StoRM.ldif configuration file.
Optional variable. Available values: true, false. Default value: true
STORM_NAMESPACE_OVERWRITE This parameter tells YAIM to overwrite namespace.xml configuration file. Optional variable. Available values: true, false. Default value: true
STORM_PROXY_HOME Directory used to exchange proxies.
Optional variable. Default value: /etc/storm/tmp
STORM_RFIO_HOST Rfio server (default value for all Storage Areas). Note: you may change the settings for each SA acting on $STORM_{SA}_RFIO_HOST variable.
Optional variable. Default value: $STORM_BACKEND_HOST
STORM_ROOT_HOST Root server (default value for all Storage Areas). Note: you may change the settings for each SA acting on $STORM_{SA}_ROOT_HOST variable.
Optional variable. Default value: $STORM_BACKEND_HOST
STORM_SERVICE_SURL_DEF_PORTS Comma-separated list of managed SURL’s default ports used to check SURL validity.
Optional variable. Default value: 8444
STORM_SIZE_LIMIT Limit Maximum available space on the Storage Area (default value for all Storage Areas).
Note: you may change the settings for each SA acting on $STORM_{SA}_SIZE_LIMIT variable. Optional variable. Available values: true, false. Default value: true
STORM_STORAGEAREA_LIST List of supported Storage Areas. Usually at least one Storage Area for each VO specified in $VOS should be created.
Optional variable. Default value: $VOS
STORM_STORAGECLASS Storage Class type (default value for all Storage Areas). Note: you may change the settings for each SA acting on $STORM_{SA}_STORAGECLASS variable.
Optional variable. Available values: T0D1, T1D0, T1D1. No default value.
STORM_SURL_ENDPOINT_LIST This is a comma separated list of the SRM endpoints managed by the Backend. A SURL is accepted only if this list contains the endpoint specified. It’s an optional variable with default value: srm://${STORM_FRONTEND_PUBLIC_HOST}:${STORM_FRONTEND_PORT}/${STORM_FRONTEND_PATH}. So, if you want to accept requests with incoming SURLs that has the ip address instead of the FQDN hostname, add the full srm endpoint to this list.
STORM_USER Service user. Optional variable. Default value: storm
STORM_ENDPOINT_QUALITY_LEVEL Endpoint maturity level to be published by the StoRM gip. Optional variable. Default value: 2
STORM_ENDPOINT_SERVING_STATE Endpoint serving state to be published by the StoRM gip. Optional variable. Default value: 4
STORM_ENDPOINT_CAPABILITY Capability according to OGSA to be published by the StoRM gip. Optional variable. Default value:

Table 4: Specific StoRM Backend Variables.

Then, for each Storage Area listed in the STORM_STORAGEAREA_LIST variable, which is not the name of a valid VO, you have to edit the STORM_{SA}_VONAME compulsory variable (detailed in Table 5). {SA} has to be written in capital letters as in the other variables included in the site-info.def file, otherwise default values will be used.


For the DNS-like names, that use special characters as '.' or '-' you have to remove the '.' and '-'.
For example the {SA} value for the storage area "" must be TESTERSEUEMIEU:

For each {SA} listed in STORM_STORAGEAREA_LIST you have to set at least these variables: STORM_{SA}_ONLINE_SIZE You can edit the optional variables summarized in Table 5.

Var. Name Description
STORM_{SA}_VONAME Name of the VO that will use the Storage Area. Use the complete name, e.g., “” or ‘*‘ to specify that there is no VO associated to the storage area (it’s readable and writable from everyone - less than other filters). This variable becames mandatory if the value of {SA} is not the name of a VO.
STORM_{SA}_ANONYMOUS_HTTP_READ Storage Area anonymous read access via HTTP.
Optional variable. Available values: true, false. Default value: false
STORM_{SA}_DN_C_REGEX Regular expression specifying the format of C (Country) field of DNs that will use the Storage Area. Optional variable.
STORM_{SA}_DN_O_REGEX Regular expression specifying the format of O (Organization name) field of DNs that will use the Storage Area. Optional variable.
STORM_{SA}_DN_OU_REGEX Regular expression specifying the format of OU (Organizational Unit) field of DNs that will use the Storage Area. Optional variable.
STORM_{SA}_DN_L_REGEX Regular expression specifying the format of L (Locality) field of DNs that will use the Storage Area. Optional variable.
STORM_{SA}_DN_CN_REGEX Regular expression specifying the format of CN (Common Name) field of DNs that will use the Storage Area. Optional variable.
STORM_{SA}_ACCESSPOINT Path exposed by the SRM into the SURL. Optional variable. Default value: {SA}
STORM_{SA}_ACLMODE See STORM_ACLMODE definition. Optional variable. Default value: $STORM_ACLMODE
STORM_{SA}_AUTH See STORM_AUTH definition. Optional variable. Default value: $STORM_AUTH
STORM_{SA}_DEFAULT_ACL_LIST A list of ACL entries that specifies a set of local groups with corresponding permissions (R, W, RW) using the following syntax: groupname1:permission1 [groupname2:permission2] […]
STORM_{SA}_FILE_SUPPORT Enable the corresponding protocol. Optional variable. Default value: $STORM_INFO_{PROTOCOL}_SUPPORT
STORM_{SA}_GRIDFTP_SUPPORT Enable the corresponding protocol. Optional variable. Default value: $STORM_INFO_{PROTOCOL}_SUPPORT
STORM_{SA}_RFIO_SUPPORT Enable the corresponding protocol. Optional variable. Default value: $STORM_INFO_{PROTOCOL}_SUPPORT
STORM_{SA}_ROOT_SUPPORT Enable the corresponding protocol. Optional variable. Default value: $STORM_INFO_{PROTOCOL}_SUPPORT
STORM_{SA}_HTTP_SUPPORT Enable the corresponding protocol. Optional variable. Default value: $STORM_INFO_{PROTOCOL}_SUPPORT
STORM_{SA}_HTTPS_SUPPORT Enable the corresponding protocol. Optional variable. Default value: $STORM_INFO_{PROTOCOL}_SUPPORT
STORM_{SA}_FSTYPE See STORM_{SA}_FSTYPE definition. Optional variable. Available values: posixfs, gpfs. Default value: $STORM_FSTYPE
STORM_{SA}_ONLINE_SIZE Total size assigned to the Storage Area Expressed in GB. Must be an integer value. Mandatory.
STORM_{SA}_USED_ONLINE_SIZE Storage space currently used in the Storage Area expressed in Bytes. Must be an integer value. Used by YAIM to populate used-space.ini file.
STORM_{SA}_QUOTA Enables the quota management for the Storage Area and it works only on GPFS filesystem. Optional variable. Available values: true, false. Default value: false
STORM_{SA}_QUOTA_DEVICE GPFS device on which the quota is enabled. It is mandatory if STORM_{SA}_QUOTA variable is set. No default value.
STORM_{SA}_QUOTA_USER GPFS quota scope. Only one of the following three will be used (the first one with the highest priority in this order: USER, then GROUP, then FILESET). Optional variable. No default value.
STORM_{SA}_QUOTA_GROUP GPFS quota scope. Only one of the following three will be used (the first one with the highest priority in this order: USER, then GROUP, then FILESET). Optional variable. No default value.
STORM_{SA}_QUOTA_FILESET GPFS quota scope. Only one of the following three will be used (the first one with the highest priority in this order: USER, then GROUP, then FILESET). Optional variable. No default value.
STORM_{SA}_RFIO_HOST See STORM_RFIO_HOST definition. Optional variable. Default value: $STORM_RFIO_HOST
STORM_{SA}_ROOT Physical storage path for the VO. Optional variable. Default value: $STORM_DEFAULT_ROOT/{SA}
STORM_{SA}_ROOT_HOST See STORM_ROOT_HOST definition. Optional variable. Default value: $STORM_ROOT_HOST
STORM_{SA}_STORAGECLASS See STORM_STORAGECLASS definition. Available values: T0D1, T1D0, T1D1, null. No default value.
STORM_{SA}_TOKEN Storage Area token, e.g: LHCb_RAW, INFNGRID_DISK. No default value.

Table 5: Storage Area Variables.

GridHTTPs configuration  

Specific variables are in the following file:

$ /opt/glite/yaim/examples/siteinfo/services/se_storm_gridhttps

Please copy and edit that file in your CONFDIR/services directory. You have to set at least these variables:


and check the other variables to evaluate if you like the default set or if you want to change those settings. Table 6 summaries YAIM variables for StoRM GridHTTPs component.

Var. Name Description
STORM_BACKEND_HOST Host name of the StoRM Backend server. Mandatory.
STORM_BACKEND_REST_SERVICES_PORT StoRM Backend server REST port. Optional variable. Default value: 9998
STORM_BE_XMLRPC_PORT StoRM Backend server XMLRPC port. Optional variable. Default value: 8080
STORM_FRONTEND_PORT StoRM Frontend server SRM port. Optional variable. Default value: 8444
STORM_GRIDHTTPS_CERT_DIR Host certificate folder for SSL connector. Optional variable.
Default value: /etc/grid-security/${STORM_GRIDHTTPS_USER}
STORM_GRIDHTTPS_HTTP_ENABLED Flag that enables/disables http connections. Optional variable. Available values: true, false.
Default value: true
STORM_GRIDHTTPS_HTTP_PORT StoRM GridHTTPs http port. Optional variable.
Default value: 8085
STORM_GRIDHTTPS_HTTPS_PORT StoRM GridHTTPs https port Optional variable.
Default value: 8443
STORM_GRIDHTTPS_USER StoRM GridHTTPs service user. Optional variable.
Default value: gridhttps
STORM_SRM_ENDPOINT StoRM SRM EndPoint. Optional variable.
Default value: ${STORM_BACKEND_HOST}:
STORM_USER StoRM Backend service user. Optional variable.
Default value: storm
X509_CERT_DIR The location of certificates truststore. Optional variable.
Default value: /etc/grid-security/certificates
X509_HOST_CERT Host certificate location.
Default value: /etc/grid-security/hostcert.pem
X509_HOST_KEY Host certificate key location. Optional variable.
Default value: /etc/grid-security/hostkey.pem
CANL_UPDATE_INTERVAL Canl truststore update time interval expressed in milliseconds. Optional variable. Default value: 600000 (1 minute)

Table 6: Specific StoRM GridHTTPs Variables.

Launching YAIM configuration  

After having built the site-info.def services file, you can configure the needed profile by using YAIM as follows:

$ /opt/glite/yaim/bin/yaim -c -d 6 -s <site-info.def> -n <profile>

But if in your StoRM deployment scenario more than a StoRM service has been installed on a single host you have to provide a single site-info.def services file containing all the required YAIM variables. Then you can configure all service profiles at once with a single YAIM call:

$ /opt/glite/yaim/bin/yaim -c -d 6 -s <site-info.def> -n <node_type_1> -n <node_type_2> -n <node_type_3>

where for example node_type_1 is se_storm_backend, node_type_2 is se_storm_frontend and node_type_3 is se_storm_gridftp.

NOTE: if you are configuring on the same host profiles se_storm_backend and se_storm_frontend, you have to specify those profiles in this order to YAIM. This is also the case of profiles se_storm_backend and se_storm_gridhttps.

In case of a distributed deployment, on every host that run almost one of the StoRM components, you have to run yaim specifying only the profiles of the installed components.

To verify StoRM services launch:

$ service storm-backend-server status
$ service storm-frontend-server status
$ service storm-globus-gridftp status
$ service storm-gridhttps-server status

Advanced Configuration  

Please note that most of the configuration parameters of StoRM can be automatically managed directly by YAIM. This means that for standard installation in WLCG site without special requirement is not needed a manual editing of StoRM configuration file, but only a proper tuning of StoRM YAIM variables. On the other hand, with this guide we would like to give to site administrators the opportunity to learn about StoRM details and internal behaviours, in order to allow advanced configuration and ad-hoc set up, to optimize performance and results.

Frontend Advanced Configuration  

The Frontend component relies on a single configuration file that contains all the configurable parameters. This file is:


containing a list of:

key = value

pairs that can be used to configure the Frontend server. In case a parameter is modified, the Frontend service has to be restarted in order to read the new value.

Frontend service information: storm-frontend-server.conf  

Database settings

Property Name Description Host for database connection. Default is localhost
db.user User for database connection. Default is storm
db.passwd Password for database connection. Default is password

Frontend service settings

Property Name Description
fe.port Frontend port. Default is 8444
fe.threadpool.threads.number Size of the worker thread pool. Default is 50
fe.threadpool.maxpending Size of the internal queue used to maintain SRM tasks in case there are no free worker threads. Default is 200
fe.gsoap.maxpending Size of the GSOAP queue used to maintain pending SRM requests. Default is 2000

Log settings

Property Name Description
log.filename Log file name, complete whit path.
Default is /var/log/storm/storm-frontend.log
log.debuglevel Loggin level. Possible value are: ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG, DEBUG2. Default is INFO

Monitoring settings

Property Name Description
monitoring.enabled Flag to enable/disable SRM requests Monitoring. Default is true
monitoring.timeInterval Time intervall in seconds between each Monitoring round.
Default is 60
monitoring.detailed Flag to enable/disable detailed SRM requests Monitoring.
Default is false

XML-RPC communication settings

Property Name Description Backend hostname. Default is localhost
be.xmlrpc.port XML-RPC server port running on the Backend machine.
Default is 8080
be.xmlrpc.token Token used for communicating with the backend service. Mandatory, has no default
be.xmlrpc.path XML-RPC server path. Default is /RPC2
be.xmlrpc.check.ascii Flag to enable/disable ASCII checking on strings to be sent via XML-RPC. Default is true

REST communication settings

Property Name Description
be.recalltable.port REST server port running on the Backend machine. Default is 9998

Blacklisting settings

Property Name Description
check.user.blacklisting Flag to enable/disable user blacklisting. Default is false
argus-pepd-endpoint The complete service endpoint of Argus PEP server. Mandatory if check.user.blacklisting is true.
Example: https://host.domain:8154/authz

Proxy settings

Property Name Description
proxy.dir Directory used by the Frontend to save proxies files in case of requests with delegation. Default is /var/tmp/storm/proxy
proxy.user Local user owner of proxies files. This have to be the same local user running the backend service. Mandatory.
security.enable.vomscheck Flag to enable/disable checking proxy VOMS credentials. Default is true.
security.enable.mapping Flag to enable/disable DN->userid mapping via gridmap-file. Default is false

General settings

Property Name Description
wsdl.file WSDL file, complete with path, to be returned in case of GET request

Logging files and logging level  

The Frontend logs information on the service status and the SRM requests received and managed by the process. The Frontend’s log supports different level of logging (ERROR, WARNING, INFO, DEBUG, DEBUG2) that can be set from the dedicated parameter in storm-frontend-server.conf configuration file. The Frontend log file named storm-frontend-server.log is placed in the /var/log/storm directory. At start-up time, the FE prints here the whole set of configuration parameters, this can be useful to check desired values. When a new SRM request is managed, the FE logs information about the user (DN and FQANs) and the requested parameters. At each SRM request, the FE logs also this important information:

03/19 11:51:42 0x88d4ab8 main: AUDIT - Active tasks: 3
03/19 11:51:42 0x88d4ab8 main: AUDIT - Pending tasks: 0

about the status of the worker pool threads and the pending process queue. Active tasks is the number of worker threads actually running. Pending tasks is the number of SRM requests queued in the worker pool queue. These data gives important information about the Frontend load.


Monitoring service, if enabled, provides information about the operations executed in a certain amount of time writing them on file /var/log/storm/monitoring.log. This amount of time (called Monitoring Round) is configurable via the configuration property monitoring.timeInterval; its default value is 1 minute. At each Monitoring Round, a single row is printed on log. This row reports both information about requests that have been performed in the last Monitoring Round and information considering the whole FE execution time (Aggregate Monitoring). Informations reported are generated from both Synchronous and Asynchronous requests and tell the user:

  • how many requests have been performed in the last Monitoring Round,
  • how many of them were successfull,
  • how many failed,
  • how many produced an error,
  • the average execution time,
  • the minimum execution time,
  • the maximum execution time.

This row reports the Monitoring Summary and this is the default behaviour of the monitoring service.


03/20 14:19:11 : [# 22927 lifetime=95:33:18]
			S [OK:47,F:15,E:0,m:0.085,M:3.623,Avg:0.201]
			A [OK:16,F:0,E:0,m:0.082,M:0.415,Avg:0.136]
			Last:(S [OK:12,F:5,E:0,m:0.091,M:0.255]
			A [OK:6,F:0,E:0,m:0.121,M:0.415])

Furthermore it can be requested a more detailed Frontend Monitoring activity by setting the configuration property monitoring.detailed to true. Doing this, at each Monitoring Round for each kind of srm operation performed in the Monitoring Round (srmls, srmPtp, srmRm, …) the following information are printed in a section with header “Last round details:”:

  • how many request succeded,
  • how many failed,
  • how many produced an error,
  • the average execution time,
  • the minimum execution time,
  • the maximum execution time,
  • the execution time standard deviation.

This is called the Detailed Monitoring Round. After this, the Monitoring Summary is printed. Then, considering the whole frontend execution time, in a section with header “Details:”, a similar detailed summary is printed. This is called the Aggregate Detailed Monitoring.


03/20 14:19:11 : Last round details:
03/20 14:19:11 : [PTP] [OK:3,F:0,E:0,Avg:0.203,Std Dev:0.026,m:0.183,M:0.240]
03/20 14:19:11 : [Put done] [OK:2,F:0,E:0,Avg:0.155,Std Dev:0.018,m:0.136,M:0.173]
03/20 14:19:11 : [# 22927 lifetime=95:33:18]
			S [OK:47,F:15,E:0,m:0.085,M:3.623,Avg:0.201]
			A [OK:16,F:0,E:0,m:0.082,M:0.415,Avg:0.136]  
			Last:(S [OK:12,F:5,E:0,m:0.091,M:0.255]
			A [OK:6,F:0,E:0,m:0.121,M:0.415])
03/20 14:19:11 : Details:
03/20 14:19:11 : [PTP] [OK:7,F:0,E:0,Avg:0.141,Std Dev:0.057,m:0.085,M:0.240]
03/20 14:19:11 : [Put done] [OK:5,F:0,E:0,Avg:0.152,Std Dev:0.027,m:0.110,M:0.185]
03/20 14:19:11 : [Release files] [OK:4,F:0,E:0,Avg:0.154,Std Dev:0.044,m:0.111,M:0.216]
03/20 14:19:11 : [Rm] [OK:3,F:0,E:0,Avg:0.116,Std Dev:0.004,m:0.111,M:0.122]


  • Operations not performed in current Monitoring Round are not printed in Detailed Monitoring Round.
  • Operations never performed are not printed in Aggregate Detailed Monitoring.
  • Operation performed in current Monitoring Round are aggregated in Aggregate Detailed Monitoring.
gSOAP tracefile

If you have problem at gSOAP level, and you have already looked at the troubleshooting section of the StoRM site without finding a solution, and you are brave enough, you could try to find some useful information on the gSOAP log file. To enable gSOAP logging, set the following environment variables :


and restart the Frontend daemon by calling directly the init script /etc/init.d/storm-frontend-server and see if the error messages contained in /tmp/tracefile could help. Please be very careful, it prints really a huge amount of information.

Backend Advanced Configuration  

The Backend is the core of StoRM. It executes all SRM requests, interacts with other Grid service, with database to retrieve SRM requests, with file-system to set up space and file, etc. It has a modular architecture made by several internal components. The Backend needs to be configured for two main aspects:

  • Service information: this section contains all the parameter regarding the StoRM service details. It relies on the configuration file.
  • Storage information: this section contains all the information regarding Storage Area and other storage details. It relies on the namespace.xml file.

Backend Service Information:  

The file:


contains a list of:

key = value

pairs that represent all the information needed to configure the StoRM Backend service. The most important (and mandatory) parameters are configured by default trough YAIM with a standard installation of StoRM. All the other parameters are optionals and can be used to make advanced tuning of the Backend. To change/set a new value, or add a new parameter, just edit the file and restart the Backend daemon. When the BackeEnd starts, it writes into the log file the whole set of parameters read from the configuration file.

Service information

Property Name Description
storm.service.SURL.endpoint List of comma separated strings identifying the StoRM Frontend endpoint(s). This is used by StoRM to understand if a SURL is local. E.g. srm://
If you want to accept SURL with the ip address instead of the FQDN hostname you have to add the proper endpoint (E.g. IPv4: srm:// or IPv6: srm://[2001:0db8::1428:57ab]:8444/srm/managerv2. Default value: srm://storm.service.FE-public.hostname:8444/srm/managerv2
storm.service.port SRM service port. Default: 8444
storm.service.SURL.default-ports List of comma separated valid SURL port numbers. Default: 8444
storm.service.FE-public.hostname StoRM Frontend hostname in case of a single Frontend StoRM deployment, StoRM Frontends DNS alias in case of a multiple Frontends StoRM deployment.
storm.service.FE-list.hostnames Comma separated list os Frontend(s) hostname(s). Default: localhost
storm.service.FE-list.IPs Comma separated list os Frontend(s) IP(s). E.g., Default:
proxy.home Directory used to contains delegated proxies used in case of srmCopy request. Please note that in case of clustered installation this directory have to be shared between the Backend and the Frontend(s) machines. Default: /etc/storm/tmp
pinLifetime.default Default PinLifetime in seconds used for pinning files in case of srmPrepareToPut or srmPrepareToGet operation without any pinLifetime specified. Default: 259200
pinLifetime.maximum Maximum PinLifetime allowed in seconds.
Default: 1814400
SRM22Client.PinLifeTime Default PinLifeTime in seconds used by StoRM in case of SrmCopy operation. This value is the one specified in the remote SrmPrepareToGet request. Default: 259200
fileLifetime.default Default FileLifetime in seconds used for VOLATILE file in case of SRM request without FileLifetime parameter specified. Default: 3600
extraslashes.gsiftp Add extra slashes after the “authority” part of a TURL for gsiftp protocol.
extraslashes.rfio Add extra slashes after the “authority” part of a TURL for rfio protocol.
extraslashes.root Add extra slashes after the “authority” part of a TURL for root protocol.
extraslashes.file Add extra slashes after the “authority” part of a TURL for file protocol.
checksum.enabled Flag to enable or not the support of Adler32 checksum computation. Default: false
synchcall.directoryManager.maxLsEntry Maximum number of entries returned by an srmLs call. Since in case of recursive srmLs results can be in order of million, this prevent a server overload. Default: 500
directory.automatic-creation Flag to enable authomatic missing directory creation upon srmPrepareToPut requests.
Default: false
directory.writeperm Flag to enable directory write permission setting upon srmMkDir requests on created dyrectories. Default: false
default.overwrite Default file overwrite mode to use upon srmPrepareToPut and srmCopy requests. Default: A. Possible values are: N, A, D. Please note that N stands for Never, A stands for Always and D stands for When files differs.
default.storagetype Default File Storage Type to be used for srmPrepareToPut and srmCopy requests in case is not provided in the request. Default: V. Possible values are: V, P, D. Please note that V stands for Volatile, P stands for Permanent and D stands for Durable.

Requests garbage collector

Property Name Description
purging Flag to enable the purging of expired requests. This garbage collector process cleans all database tables and proxies from the expired SRM requests. An appropriate tuning is needed in case of high throughput of SRM requests required for long time. Default: true. Possible values are: true, false.
purge.interval Time interval in seconds between successive purging run. Default: 600.
purge.size Number of requests picked up for cleaning from the requests garbage collector at each run. This value is use also by Tape Recall Garbage Collector. Default: 800
purge.delay Initial delay before starting the requests garbage collection process, in seconds. Default: 10
expired.request.time Time in seconds to consider a request expired after its submission. Default: 604800

Garbage collector

Property Name Description Initial delay before starting the reserved space, JIT ACLs and pinned files garbage collection process, in seconds. Default: 10 Time interval in seconds between successive purging run. Default: 300

Synchronous call

Property Name Description
synchcall.xmlrpc.unsecureServerPort Port to listen on for incoming XML-RPC connections from Frontends(s). Default: 8080
synchcall.xmlrpc.maxthread Number of threads managing XML-RPC connection from Frontends(s). A well sized value for this parameter have to be at least equal to the sum of the number of working threads in all FrontEend(s). Default: 100
synchcall.xmlrpc.token.enabled Whether the backend will require a token to be present for accpeting XML-RPC requests. Default: true
synchcall.xmlrpc.token The token that the backend will require to be present for accepting XML-RPC requests. Mandatory if synchcall.xmlrpc.token.enabled is true

REST interface parameters

Property Name Description REST services port. Default: 9998

Database connection parameters

Property Name Description
com.mysql.jdbc.Driver JDBC driver to be used to connect with StoRM database. Default: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
storm.service.request-db.protocol Protocol to be used to connect with StoRM database. Default: jdbc:mysql:// Host for StoRM database. Default: localhost
storm.service.request-db.db-name Database name for SRM requests. Default: storm_db
storm.service.request-db.username Username for database connection. Default: storm
storm.service.request-db.passwd Password for database connection
asynch.db.ReconnectPeriod Database connection refresh time intervall in seconds. Default: 18000
asynch.db.DelayPeriod Database connection refresh initial delay in seconds. Default: 30
persistence.internal-db.connection-pool Enable the database connection pool. Default: false
persistence.internal-db.connection-pool.maxActive Database connection pool max active connections. Default: 10
persistence.internal-db.connection-pool.maxWait Database connection pool max wait time to provide a connection. Default: 50

SRM Requests Picker

Property Name Description
asynch.PickingInitialDelay Initial delay before starting to pick requests from the DB, in seconds. Default: 1
asynch.PickingTimeInterval Polling interval in seconds to pick up new SRM requests. Default: 2
asynch.PickingMaxBatchSize Maximum number of requests picked up at each polling time. Default: 100
scheduler.serial DEPRECATED Flag to enable the execution of all the request on a single thread. Default: false

Worker threads

Property Name Description
scheduler.crusher.workerCorePoolSize Crusher Scheduler worker pool base size. Default: 10
scheduler.crusher.workerMaxPoolSize Crusher Schedule worker pool max size. Default: 50
scheduler.crusher.queueSize Request queue maximum size.
Default: 2000
scheduler.chunksched.ptg.workerCorePoolSize PrepareToGet worker pool base size. Default: 50
scheduler.chunksched.ptg.workerMaxPoolSize PrepareToGet worker pool max size. Default: 200
scheduler.chunksched.ptg.queueSize PrepareToGet request queue maximum size. Default: 2000
scheduler.chunksched.ptp.workerCorePoolSize PrepareToPut worker pool base size. Default: 50
scheduler.chunksched.ptp.workerMaxPoolSize PrepareToPut worker pool max size. Default: 200
scheduler.chunksched.ptp.queueSize PrepareToPut request queue maximum size. Default: 1000
scheduler.chunksched.bol.workerCorePoolSize BringOnline worker pool base size. Default: 50
scheduler.chunksched.bol.workerMaxPoolSize BringOnline Worker pool max size. Default: 200
scheduler.chunksched.bol.queueSize BringOnline request queue maximum size. Default: 2000
scheduler.chunksched.copy.workerCorePoolSize Copy worker pool base size. Default: 10
scheduler.chunksched.copy.workerMaxPoolSize Copy worker pool max size. Default: 50
scheduler.chunksched.copy.queueSize Copy request queue maximum size. Default: 500

HTTP(S) protocol

Property Name Description
gridhttps.enabled Flag to enable the support to HTTP and HTTPS protocols. Default: false The complete hostname of the host running StoRM GridHTTPs. Default: localhost
gridhttps.server.port The port on StoRM GridHTTPs host where GridHTTPs accepts HTTP connections. Default:8088
gridhttps.plugin.classname The complete class-name of the HTTPSPluginInterface implementation to be used. Default: it.grid.storm.https.HTTPSPluginInterfaceStub

Protocol balancing

Property Name Description
gridftp-pool.status-check.timeout Time in milliseconds after which the status of a GridFTP has to be verified. Default: 20000 (20 secs)

Tape recall

Property Name Description Flag to enable tape support. Default: false System group to be assigned to files migrated from tape storage. Default: storm-SA-read System group to be assigned to files migrated to tape storage. Default: storm-SA-write

srmCopy parameters

Property Name Description
asynch.srmclient.retrytime Timeout for a single srmPrepareToPut request execution performed to fulfill srmCopy requests in seconds. Default: 60
asynch.srmclient.sleeptime Interval between successive srmPrepareToPut request status polling performed to fulfill srmCopy requests in seconds. Default: 5
asynch.srmclient.timeout Timeout for srmPrepareToPut request execution performed to fulfill srmCopy requests in seconds. Default: 180
asynch.srmclient.putdone.sleeptime Interval between consecutive srmPutDone attempts performed to fulfill srmCopy requests in seconds. Default: 1
asynch.srmclient.putdone.timeout Timeout for srmPutDone request execution performed to fulfill srmCopy requests in seconds. Default: 60
asynch.srmclient The complete class-name of the SRMClient implementation providing SRM client features to be used to perform srm operations to fulfill srmCopy requests. Default: it.grid.storm.asynch.SRM22Client
asynch.srmcopy.gridftp.timeout Timeout for GridFTP connection establishment during file transfer execution performed to fulfill srmCopy requests in seconds. Default: 15000
asynch.gridftpclient The complete class-name of the GridFTPTransfer-Client implementation providing GridFTP client features to be used to perform file transfer to fulfill srmCopy requests. Default: it.grid.storm.asynch.NaiveGridFTPTransferClient

Backend Storage Information: namespace.xml  

Information about storage managed by StoRM is stored in a configuration file named namespace.xml located at /etc/storm/backend-server/ on StoRM Backend host. One of the information stored into namespace.xml file is what is needed to perform the mapping functionality. The mapping functionality is the process of retrieving or building the transport URL (TURL) of a file addressed by a Site URL (SURL) together with grid user credential. The Fig 3 shows the different schema of SURL and TURL.

Fig. 3: Site URL and Transfer URL schema.

A couple of quick concepts from SRM:

  • The SURL is the logical identifier for a local data entity
  • Data access and data transfer are made through the TURLs
  • The TURL identify a physical location of a replica
  • SRM services retrieve the TURL from a namespace database (like DPNS component in DPM) or build it through other mechanisms (like StoRM)

In StoRM, the mapping functionality is provided by the namespace component (NS).

  • The Namespace component works without a database.
  • The Namespace component is based on an XML configuration.
  • It relies on the physical storage structure.

The basic features of the namespace component are:

  • The configuration is modular and structured (representation is based on XML)
  • An efficient structure of namespace configuration lives in memory.
  • No access to disk or database is performed
  • The loading and the parsing of the configuration file occurs:
    • at start-up of the back-end service
    • when configuration file is modified

StoRM is different from the other solution, where typically, for every SRM request a query to the data base have to be done in order to establish the physical location of file and build the correct transfer URL. The namespace functions relies on two kind of parameters for mapping operations derived from the SRM requests, that are:

  • the grid user credential (a subject or a service acting on behalf of the subject)
  • the SURL

The Fig.4 shows the main concepts of Namespace Component:

  • NS-Filesystem: is the representation of a Storage Area
  • Mapping rule: represents the basic rule for the mapping functionalities
  • Approachable rule: represents the coarse grain access control to the Storage Area.

Fig. 4: Namespace structure.

This is and example of the FS element:

<filesystem name="dteam-FS" fs_type="ext3">
		<TotalOnlineSize unit="GB" limited-size="true">291</TotalOnlineSize>
		<TotalNearlineSize unit="GB">0</TotalNearlineSize>
			<prot name="file">
			<prot name="gsiftp">
			<prot name="gsiftp">
			<prot name="rfio">
			<prot name="root">
				<member member-id="0"></member>
				<member member-id="1"></member>
		<space lifetime="86400" type="volatile" guarsize="291"
		<file lifetime="3600" type="volatile"/>

Attributes meaning:

  • <filesystem name="dteam-FS" fs_type="ext3"> : The name is the element identifier. It identifies this Storage Area in the namespace domains. The fs_type is the type of the filesystem the Storage Area is built on. Possible values are: ext3, gpfs. Please note that ext3 stands for all generic POSIX filesystem (ext3, Lustre, etc.)
  • <space-token-description>DTEAM_TOKEN</space-token-description> : Storage Area space token description.
  • <root>/storage/dteam</root> : Physical root directory of the Storage Area on the file system.
  • <filesystem-driver>it.grid.storm.filesystem.swig.posixfs</filesystem-driver> : Driver loaded by the Backend for filesystem interaction. This driver is used mainly to set up ACLs on space and files.
  • <spacesystem-driver>it.grid.storm.filesystem.MockSpaceSystem</spacesystem-driver> Driver loaded by the Backend for filesystem interaction. This is driver is used to manage space allocation. (E.g. on GPFS it uses the gpfs_prealloc() call).

Storage Area properties

    <TotalOnlineSize unit="GB" limited-size="true">291</TotalOnlineSize>
    <TotalNearlineSize unit="GB">0</TotalNearlineSize>

in details:

  • <RetentionPolicy>replica</RetentionPolicy> : Retention Policy of the Storage Area. Possible values are: replica, custodial.
  • <AccessLatency>online</AccessLatency> : Access Latency of the Storage Area. Possible values: online, nearline.
  • <ExpirationMode>neverExpire</ExpirationMode> : Expiration Mode of the Storage Area. Deprecated.
  • <TotalOnlineSize unit="GB" limited-size="true">291</TotalOnlineSize> Total on-line size of the Storage Area in GigaBytes. In case the attribute limited-size=”true”, StoRM enforce this limit at SRM level. When the space used for the Storage Area is at least equal to the size specified, every further SRM request to write files will fail with SRM_NO_FREE_SPACE error code.
  • <TotalNearlineSize unit="GB">0</TotalNearlineSize> : Total near-line size of the Storage Area. This only means in case the Storage Area is in some way attached to a MSS storage system (such as TSM with GPFS).

Storage area capabilities:


This is the ACL enforcing approach. Possible values are: AoT, JiT. In case of AheadOfTime(AoT) approach StoRM sets up a physical ACL on file and directories for the local group (gid) in which the user is mapped. (The mapping is done querying the LCMAPS service con the BE machine passing both user DN and FQANs). The group ACL remains for the whole lifetime of the file. In case of JustInTime(JiT) approach StoRM sets up and ACL for the local user (uid) the user is mapped. The ACL remains in place only for the lifetime of the SRM request, then StoRM removes it. (This is to avoid to grant access to pool account uid in case of reallocation on different users.)


This is the Default ACL list. A list of ACL entry (that specify a local user (uid) or group id (gid) and a permission (R,W,RW). This ACL are automatically by StoRM at each read or write request. Useful for use cases where experiment want to allow local access to file on group different than the one that made the SRM request operation.

Access and Transfer protocol supported

The file protocol:

<prot name="file">

The file protocol means the capability to perform local access on file and directory. If user performs an SRM request (srmPtG or srmPtP) specifying the file protocol, and it is supported by the selected Storage Area, StoRM return a TURL structured as:


This TURL can be used through GFAL or other SRM clients to perform a direct access on the file.

<prot name="gsiftp">

The gsiftp protocol:

The gsiftp protocol means the GridFTP transfer system from Globus widely adopted in many Grid environments. This capability element contains all the information about the GridFTP server to use with this Storage Area. Site administrator can decide to have different server (or pools of server) for different Storage Areas. The id is the server identifier to be used when defining a pool. The schema have to be gsiftp. host is the hostname of the server (or the DNS alias used to aggregate more than one server). The port is the GridFTP server port, typically 2811. If user performs an SRM request (srmPtG or srmPtP) specifying the gsiftp protocol, and it is supported by the selected Storage Area, StoRM return a TURL structured as:


The rfio protocol:

<prot name="rfio">

This capability element contains all the information about the rfio server to use with this Storage Area. Like for GridFTP, site administrator can decide to have different server (or pools of server) for different Storage Areas. The id is the server identifier. The schema have to be rfio. host is the hostname of the server (or the DNS alias used to aggregate more than one server). The port is the rfio server port, typically 2811. If user performs an SRM request (srmPtG or srmPtP) specifying the rfio protocol, and it is supported by the selected Storage Area, StoRM return a TURL structured as:


The root protocol:

<prot name="root">

This capability element contains all the information about the root server to use with this Storage Area. Like for other protocols, site administrator can decide to have different server (or pools of server) for different Storage Areas. The id is the server identifier. The schema have to be root. host is the hostname of the server (or the DNS alias used to aggregate more than one server). The port is the root server port, typically 1094. If user performs an SRM request (srmPtG or srmPtP) specifying the root protocol, and it is supported by the selected Storage Area, StoRM return a TURL structured as:


Pool of protocol servers

		<member member-id="0"></member>
		<member member-id="1"></member>

Here is defined a pool of protocol servers. Within the pool element pool members are declared identified by their id, the list of members have to be homogenious with respect to their schema. This id is the server identifier specified in the prot element. The balance-strategy represent the load balancing strategy with which the pool has to be managed. Possible values are: round-robin, smart-rr, random and weight.
NOTE: Protocol server pooling is currently available only for gsiftp servers.
Load balancing strategies details:

  • round-robin At each TURL construction request the strategy returns the next server following the round-robin approach: a circular list with an index starting from the head and incrementd at each request.

  • smart-rr An enhanced version of round-robin. The status of pool members is monitored and maintained in a cache. Cache entries has a validity life time that is refreshed when expired. If the member chosen by round-robin is marked as not responsive another iteration of round-robin is performed.

  • random At each TURL construction request the strategy returns a random member of the pool.

  • weight An enhanced version of round-robin. When a server is chosen the list index will not be moved forward (and the server will be choosen again in next request) for as many times as specified in its weight.

NOTE: The weight has to be specified in a weight element inside the member element:

		<member member-id="0">
		<member member-id="1">

Default values

	<space lifetime="86400" type="volatile" guarsize="291" totalsize="291"/>
	<file lifetime="3600" type="volatile"/>

Mapping rules

A mapping rule define how a certain NS-Filesystem, that correspond to a Storage Area in SRM meaning of terms, is exposed in Grid:

	<map-rule name="dteam-maprule">

The <stfn-root> is the path used to build SURL referring to that Storage Area. The mapping rule above define that the NS-Filesystem named dteam-FS has to be mapped in the /dteam SURL path. Following the NS-Filesystem element defined in the previous section, the SURL:


following the root expressed in the dteam-FS NF-Filesystem element, is mapped in the physical root path on the file system:


This approach works similar to an alias, from the SURL stfn-root path to the NS-Filesystem root.

Approachable rules

Approachable rules defines which users (or which class of users) can approach a certain Storage Area, always expressed as NS-Filesystem element. If a user can approach a Storage Area, he can use it for all SRM operations. If a user is not allowed to approach a Storage Area, and he try to specify it in any SRM request, he will receive an SRM_INVALID_PATH. In practics, if a user cannot approach a Storage Area, for him that specific path does not exists at all. Here is an example of approachable rule for the dteam-FS element:

	<app-rule name="dteam-rule">
  • <dn>*</dn> means that everybody can access the storage Area. Here you can define regular expression on DN fields to define more complex approachable rules.

  • <vo-name>*</vo-name> means that everybody belonging to a VO access the storage Area. Please note that user without FQANs extension will not be recognized as belonging to VOs then they will not be allowed to approach the SA. Remove or comment this line if the Storage Area have to be open to users without VOMS extensions.

  • <vo-name>dteam</vo-name> means that only users belonging to the VO dteam will be allowed to access the Storage Area. This entry can be a list of comma separeted VO-name.

Backend Storage Usage Initialization: used-space.ini  

StoRM maintains the information about the status of managed storage areas (such as free, used, busy, available, guaranteed and reserved space), and store them into the DB. Whenever it is consumed or released some storage space by creating or deleting files, the status is updated and stored in the DB. The storage space status stored into the DB is authorative. The information about the Storage Space stored into the DB are used also as information source for the Information Provider through the DIP (Dynamic Info Provider). There are cases in which the status of a storage area must be initialized, for example in the case of a fresh StoRM installation configured to manage a storage space already populated with files, where the space used is not zero. There are different methods for initialize the Storage Area status, some executed within StoRM (GPFS quota and/or background-DU). In this section it is described how an administrator can initialize the status of a Storage Area by editing a configuration file, the used-space.ini configuration file, that it will be parsed at bootstrap time and only one time. The structure of the content of used-space.ini is quite simple: a list of sections corresponding to the Storage Area in which are defined the used size, and eventually, the checktime. For each Storage Area to be initializated there is a section named with the same alias space-token-description defined in the namespace.xml, that are defined with YAIM variables STORM{SA}_ACCESSPOINT. Within the section there are two properties: usedsize and checktime:

  • usedsize: The used space in the Storage Area expressed in Bytes. Must be an value without digits after the decimal mark. MANDATORY
  • checktime: The timestamp of the time to wich the usedsize computation refers. Must be a date in RFC-2822 format. Optional.

Here is a sample of used-space.ini:

checktime = Fri, 23 Sep 2011 11:56:53 +0200
usedsize = 1848392893847
checktime = Fri, 16 Sep 2011 10:22:17 +0200
usedsize = 2839937589367
usedsize = 1099511627776

This file can be produced in two ways:

  1. by hand after StoRM Backend service configuration

    • write your own used-space.ini file adding a section for each Storage Area you want to initialize

    • as section name use the space-token-description value as in namespace.xml

    • set the value of usedsize property as in the example.

    • set the value of checktime property as in the example. To obtain an RFC-2822 timestamp of the current time you can execute the command date –rfc-2822

  2. by YAIM at StoRM Backend service configuration time

    • add a variable STORM_{SA}_USED_ONLINE_SIZE to your YAIM configuration file for each Storage Area you want to initialize where {SA} is the name of the Storage Area as in STORM_STORAGEAREA_LIST YAIM variable

    • run YAIM on StoRM profiles installed on this host

StoRM Backend will load used-space.ini file at bootstrap and initialize the used space of newly created Storge Areas to its values.

NOTE: running YAIM on StoRM Backend profile will produce a new used-space.ini file and backup any existent version with the extension .bkp_. Take this into account if you want to produce the used-space.ini file by hand.

Backend logging: logging.xml  

The Backend log files provide information on the execution process of all SRM requests. All the Backend log files are placed in the /var/log/storm directory. Backend logging operations are based on the logback framework. Logback provides a way to set the level of verbosity depending on the use case. The level supported are FATAL, ERROR, INFO, WARN, DEBUG. The /etc/storm/backend-server/logging.xml contains this information:

<logger name="it.grid.storm" additivity="false">
	<level value="DEBUG" />
    <appender-ref ref="PROCESS" />

the value can be setted to the desired log level. Please be careful that logging operation can impact on system performance (even 30% slower with DEBUG in the worst case). The suggest logging level for production endpoint is INFO. In case the log level is modified, the Backend have to be restarted to read the new value.

From StoRM 1.11.2 the Backend log files have been unified in one and only file:

  • storm-backend.log. All the information about the SRM execution process, error or warning are logged here depending on the log level. At startup time, the BE logs here all the value, this can be useful to check value effectively used by the system. After that, the BE logs the result of the namespace initialization, reporting errors or misconfiguration. At the INFO level, the BE logs for each SRM operation at least who have request the operation (DN and FQANs), on which files (SURLs) and the operation result. At DEBUG level, much more information are printed regarding the status of many StoRM internal component, depending on the SRM request type. DEBUG level has to be used carefully only for troubleshooting operation. If ERROR or FATAL level are used, the only event logged in the file are due to error condition.

StoRM provides a bookkeeping framework that elaborates informations on SRM requests processed by the system to provide user-friendly aggregated data that can be used to get a quick view on system health.

  • heartbeat.log This useful file contains information on the SRM requests process by the system from its startup, adding new information at each beat. The beat time interval can be configured, by default is 60 seconds. At each beat, the hearthbeat component logs an entry.

An hearthbeat.log entry example:

[#.....71 lifetime=1:10.01]
	Heap Free:59123488 SYNCH [500] ASynch [PTG:2450 PTP:3422]
	Last:( [#PTG=10 OK=10 M.Dur.=150] [#PTP=5 OK=5 M.Dur.=300] )
Log Meaning
#......71 Log entry number
lifetime=1:10.01 Lifetime from last startup, hh:mm:ss
Heap Free:59123488 BE Process free heap size in Bytes
SYNCH [500] Number of Synchronous SRM requests executed in the last beat
ASynch [PTG:2450 PTP:3422] Number of srmPrepareToGet and srmPrepareToPut requests executed from start-up.
Last:( [#PTG=10 OK=10 M.Dur.=150] Number of srmPrepareToGet executed in the last beat, with the number of request terminated with success (OK=10) and average time in millisecond (M.Dur.=150)
[#PTP=5 OK=5 M.Dur.=300] Number of srmPrepareToPut executed in the last beat, with number of request terminated with success and average time in milliseconds.

This log information can be really useful to gain a global view on the overall system status. A tail on this file is the first thing to do if you want to check the health of your StoRM installation. From here you can understand if the system is receiving SRM requests or if the system is overloaded by SRM request or if PtG and PtP are running without problem or if the interaction with the filesystem is exceptionally low (in case the M.Dur. is much more than usual).

GridFTP Advanced Configuration  

At each transfer request, the GridFTP uses LCMAPS to get user mapping and start a new processes on behalf of the user to proceed with data transfer. GridFTP relies on a different db file to get the plugin to use. Obviously LCMAPS has to answer to GridFTP requests and StoRM requests in coeherent way. The GridFTP uses the LCMAPS configuration file located at /etc/lcmaps/lcmaps.db.

GridFTP logging files and logging level  

GridFTP produce two separated log files:

  • /var/log/storm/gridftp-session.log for the command session information

  • /var/log/storm/globus-gridftp.log for the transfer logs

The logging level can be specified by editing the configuration file:


The supported logging levels are: ERROR, WARN, INFO, DUMP and ALL.

Redirect LCMAPS logging to a particular file (instead of syslog)

Administrators can redirect the LCMAPS logging to a different log file than the one used by syslog by setting the LLGT_LOG_FILE environment variable. As example, consider the following setup for the gridftp service:

vim /etc/sysconfig/globus-gridftp


export LLGT_LOG_FILE="/var/log/storm/storm-gridftp-lcmaps.log"

After restarting the service, all LCMAPS calls will be logged to the new file.

GridHTTPs Advanced Configuration  

The EMI3 GridHTTPs is the component responsible to provide:

  • HTTP(s) file-transfer capabilities: it’s possible to GET/PUT data via HTTP protocol but this is authorized only if a valid SRM prepare-to-get or SRM prepare-to-put has been successfully done before;
  • a WebDAV interface to the StoRM endpoint that conceals the details of the SRM protocol and allows users to mount remote Grid storage as a volume on their own desktops;
  • a mapping-service used by Backend that convert a real file path to a valid file-transfer URL.

The GridHTTPs component relies on a single configuration file that contains all the configurable parameters. This file is:


containing a list of:

key = value

pairs that can be used to configure the GridHTTPs server. In case a parameter is modified, the GridHTTPs service has to be restarted in order to read the new value.

GridHTTPs service information: server.ini  

EMI3 StoRM GridHTTPs server no longer needs Tomcat, cause it is now a web component residing in an embedded Jetty server. About Jetty server and its connectors configuration you can manage the following variables:

Var. name Description
http.enabled Flag to enable anonymous webdav and file-transfer connections. Available values: true, false. Default value: true
http.port Gridhttps http port for anonymous webdav and file-transfer connections. Default value: 8085
https.port Gridhttps https port for secure webdav and file-transfer connections. Default value: 8443
mapper.servlet.port Mapping-service http port.
Default value: 8086 Maximum number of active threads for server’s requests.
Default value: 150
max.queued.threads Maximum number of queued threads for server’s requests.
Default value: 300 x509 host certificate for SSL connector.
Default value: /etc/grid-security/gridhttps/hostcert.pem x509 host key for SSL connector.
Default value: /etc/grid-security/gridhttps/hostkey.pem Truststore location.
Default value: /etc/grid-security/certificates
x509.truststore.refresh-interval Canl truststore update time interval expressed in milliseconds.
Default value: 600000 (1 minute)

GridHTTPs’ log file is configurable:

Var. name Description
log.configuration-file GridHTTPs logging configuration file.
Default value: /etc/storm/gridhttps-server/logback.xml

GridHTTPs interacts with StoRM Backend to configure itself in bootstrap phase, to check user’s authorization access to resources, to perform SRM operation, to set checksum value on a file, etc. So it needs to know information about BE location and ports:

Var. name Description
backend.hostname StoRM Backend server full hostname.
backend.authorization-service.port StoRM Backend server REST port.
Default value: 9998
backend.srm-service.port StoRM Backend server XMLRPC port.
Default value: 8080
backend.xmlrpc.token Token used for communicating with the backend service. Mandatory, has no default

GridHTTPs works with SURLs so it needs to know a valid SRM endpoint:

Var. name Description
srm.endpoint StoRM SRM EndPoint.
Default value: $STORM_BACKEND_HOSTNAME:8444

GridHTTPs manage file transfers and file creation. So it computes checksum during transfers. The computed checksum type is adler32. This capability can be disabled.

Var. name Description
compute-checksum If compute-checksum is true, for every file created a valid adler32 checksum value is computed. Available values: true, false.
Default value: true

GridHTTPs’ logging files and logging level  

GridHTTPs’ log files are located in /var/log/storm/ directory. They are the followings:

  • storm-gridhttps-server.log For managed requests This is the main log file of StoRM GridHTTPs. All the information about the WebDAV, HTTP file-transfer and mapping requests, error or warning are logged here depending on the log level. At the INFO level, the GridHTTPs logs, for each operation, who have request the operation (DN and FQANs if not anonymous), on which file(s) (SURLs) and the operation result. At DEBUG level, much more information are printed regarding the status of many StoRM internal component, depending on the request type. DEBUG level has to be used carefully only for troubleshooting operation. If ERROR or FATAL level are used, the only event logged in the file are due to error condition.

  • storm-backend.stdout This file contains the standard out of the GridHTTPs process. Usually it does not contains any useful information.

  • storm-backend.stderr This file contains the event logged as ERROR or FATAL conditions. This event logs are presents both in the storm-gridhttps-server.log file and here.

The logging level of these files can be specified editing the configuration file logback.xml located in /etc/storm/gridhttps-server/ directory modifying the level value of:

<logger name="it.grid.storm" level="INFO">
	<appender-ref ref="PROCESS" />

The supported logging levels are: FATAL, ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG and TRACE.

The suggest logging level for production endpoint is INFO. In case the log level is modified, GridHTTPs service has to be restarted to read the new value.

GridHTTPs plugin information:  

StoRM GridHTTPs Plugin is shipped with StoRM Backend metapackage and it is installed on Backend host. Its configuration information are stored in:


This file contains a list of:

key = value

pairs that can be used to configure the GridHTTPs Plugin. The GridHTTPs Plugin lives within Backend Java process; in case a parameter is modified, the Backend service have to be restarted in order to read the new value.

Property name Description
gridhttps.server.user.uid The User ID associated to the local user running the GridHTTPs server service
gridhttps.server.user.gid The primary Group ID associated to the local user running the GridHTTPs server service

StoRM EMIR Configuration  

You can use EMIR-SERP to publish StoRM information to EMIR. EMIR-SERP uses the information already available in the resource resource bdii (aka ERIS) and publish it to an EMIR DSR endpoint.

First check that the resource bdii is up and running. Executing

ldapsearch -x -h localhost -p 2170 -b 'GLUE2GroupID=resource,o=glue' objectCLass=GLUE2Service

it should return two services for each vo installed on the machine. If this is not the case, there is some problem with your installation. Then install serp:

sudo yum install emir-serp

and edit the configuration file /etc/emi/emir-serp/emir-serp.ini, providing the url for the EMIR DSR and the url for the resource bdii

url =
resource_bdii_url = ldap://localhost:2170/GLUE2GroupID=resource,o=glue

You can change the update interval

# Period of registration/update messages
# Mandatory configuration parameter
# Value is given in hours
period = 1

and the time of registration entry validity:

# Time of registration entry validity
# Mandatory configuration parameter
# Value is given in hours
validity = 2

You might want to set the logging level to debug the first time you start the service:

verbosity = debug

Start the service:

sudo service emir-serp start

Verify the pubblication by inspecting this page searching for an entity with “Name” attribute equal to StoRM YAIM variable “SITE_NAME”. It is recommended to set back the logging level to error and restart the service. Stopping emier-serp will cause the entry to be deleted.

Appendix A  

A.1 How-to configure LDAP Server to share users’ accounts

This is a short tutorial that wants to describe how to install and configure a LDAP Server in order to share users’ accounts whitin a local network. In particular, we will see how to install and configure a client/server OpenLDAP service on Scientific Linux hosts.

A.1.1 OpenLDAP Server installation and configuration  

To install OpenLDAP service on server, as root user on a SL5 host, we have to install openldap-servers package:

$ yum install openldap-servers

Instead, as root user on a SL6 host we have to install both openldap and openldap-servers packages:

$ yum install openldap openldap-servers

OpenLDAP installs several files in /etc and other places. The slapd daemon’s configuration file is slapd.conf and can be found in /etc/openldap. First of all make sure service is not running:

(SL5) $ service ldap stop
(SL6) $ service slapd stop

Then, edit /etc/openldap/slapd.conf. We have to edit 5 entries: database, suffix, rootdn, rootpw and directory. It should look something like:

  database        bdb
  suffix          "dc=example,dc=com"
  rootdn          "cn=Manager,dc=example,dc=com"
  # Cleartext passwords, especially for the rootdn, should be avoided.
  # See slappasswd(8) and slapd.conf(5) for details.
  # Use of strong authentication encouraged.
  # rootpw        secret
  directory 	  /var/lib/ldap

For example, define ourselves as a company called We can leave default value for database entry, bdb, that stands for Berkeley Database. The suffix entry is our main domain or organization. So, we can changed it to:

  suffix          "dc=storm,dc=cnaf,"

The dc stands for domainComponent. Next, the rootdn. This means root Distinguished Name. Every entry in an LDAP database has a distinguished name. The default is Manager. In our example we will use root instead of Manager, so according to the suffix we have to change it to:

  rootdn          "cn=root,dc=storm,dc=cnaf,"

Next the password. If we desire an encrypted password, we can launch slappasswd command, insert our password and replace secret with the outputted string. So it will look something like:

  rootpw         {SSHA}ca6CWAHXogaQ2Cib9sxOYRwHRzyKoSXA

We can leave default value for directory entry: /var/lib/ldap. Now we have to clean up previous LDAP content and configuration with the following command:

(SL5) $ rm -rf /var/lib/ldap/*
(SL6) $ rm -rf /etc/openldap/slapd.d/*

Then we have to create the DB_CONFIG file into /var/lib/ldap/ directory (or copy it from OpenLDAP example file /etc/openldap/DB_CONFIG.example).


  # $OpenLDAP: pkg/ldap/servers/slapd/DB_CONFIG,v 2007/12/18 11:53:27 ghenry Exp $
  	  # Example DB_CONFIG file for use with slapd(8) BDB/HDB databases.
  	  # See the Oracle Berkeley DB documentation
  	  #	<>
  	  # for detail description of DB_CONFIG syntax and semantics.
  # Hints can also be found in the OpenLDAP Software FAQ
  	  # <>
  # in particular:
  #   <>
  # Note: most DB_CONFIG settings will take effect only upon rebuilding
  # the DB environment.
  # one 0.25 GB cache
  set_cachesize 0 268435456 1
  # Data Directory
  #set_data_dir db
  # Transaction Log settings
  set_lg_regionmax 262144
  set_lg_bsize 2097152
  #set_lg_dir logs
  # Note: special DB_CONFIG flags are no longer needed for "quick"
  # slapadd(8) or slapindex(8) access (see their -q option).

To initialize the LDAP database we have to create a pair of files, one for the organization and one for the root DN. For example, create as follow:

  dn: dc=storm,dc=cnaf,
  objectClass: dcObject
  objectClass: organization
  dc: storm
  o: StoRM

It contains the organization entry. Then create as follow:

  dn: cn=root,dc=storm,dc=cnaf,
  objectClass: organizationalRole
  cn: root

and this contains the root DN. Now we have to initialize DB files for content in /var/lib/ldap directory:

$ echo "" | slapadd -f /etc/openldap/slapd.conf

This is required, otherwise you will get this error:

  bdb_db_open: database "dc=example,dc=com": db_open(/var/lib/ldap/id2entry.bdb) failed:
  No such file or directory (2).

Now, only if host is SL6, convert configuration file into dynamic configuration under /etc/openldap/slapd.d directory:

$ slaptest -f /etc/openldap/slapd.conf -F /etc/openldap/slapd.d

For both SL5 and SL6, set permissions:

	  chown -R ldap:ldap /var/lib/ldap

and, only on SL6, add:

	  chown -R ldap:ldap /etc/openldap/slapd.d

Now we can initialize LDAP DB with already defined initial content, by launching the following commands:

	  slapadd -l
	  slapadd -l

So we are ready to add to our LDAP database the necessary users and groups. In particular we need storm and gridhttps users and also relative groups. But, how can we organize our directory tree? In a UNIX file system, the top level is the root. Underneath the root you have numerous files and directories. As mentioned above, LDAP directories are set up in much the same manner. Into the directory’s base are conventionally created containers that logically separate data. For historical reasons, most LDAP directories set these logical separations up as OU entries. OU stands for “Organizational Unit”, which in X.500 was used to indicate the functional organization within a company. Current LDAP implementations have kept the ou= naming convention. In our case, we can define a pair of Organizationa Unit: People and Group as follow:

  dn: ou=People,dc=storm,dc=cnaf,
  	  objectClass: organizationalUnit
  objectClass: top
  ou: People

  dn: ou=Group,dc=storm,dc=cnaf,
  objectClass: organizationalUnit
  objectClass: top
 	  ou: Group

Then, we can define storm and gridhttps users and groups, as follow:

  dn: uid=storm,ou=People,dc=storm,dc=cnaf,
  objectClass: account
  objectClass: posixAccount
  objectClass: top
  objectClass: shadowAccount
  cn: storm
  gidNumber: 494
  homeDirectory: /home/storm
  uid: storm
  uidNumber: 495

  dn: cn=storm,ou=Group,dc=storm,dc=cnaf,
  objectClass: posixGroup
  objectClass: top
  cn: storm
  gidNumber: 494

  dn: uid=gridhttps,ou=People,dc=storm,dc=cnaf,
  objectClass: account
  objectClass: posixAccount
  objectClass: top
  	  objectClass: shadowAccount
  cn: gridhttps
  gidNumber: 504
  homeDirectory: /home/gridhttps
  uid: gridhttps
  uidNumber: 503


  dn: cn=gridhttps,ou=Group,dc=storm,dc=cnaf,
  objectClass: posixGroup
  objectClass: top
  cn: gridhttps
  gidNumber: 504

Set the various GIDs and UIDs values as you want. Then we can add the users and groups defined to the LDAP server database, with the following commands:

  slapadd -l
  slapadd -l
  slapadd -l
  slapadd -l

Using a free program like Apache Directory Studio we can easily connect to the LDAP server and add other entries, export ldif configurations, etc. Important: as you can see from the files above, a user must contain account, posixAccount and shadowAccount objectClasses, a group instead must define only a posixGroup objectClass.

To start server:

(SL5) $ service ldap start
(SL6) $ service slapd start

A.1.2 OpenLDAP Client installation and configuration  

To install OpenLDAP service on a client, as root user on a SL5 host, we have to install openldap-clients and nss_ldap packages:

$ yum install openldap-clients nss_ldap

Instead, as root user on a SL6 host we have to install both openldap-clients and nss-pam-ldapd packages:

$ yum install openldap-clients nss-pam-ldapd

Be sure that service nscd is stopped:

$ service nscd status

Modify /etc/nsswitch.conf by adding “ldap” to the following lines:

  passwd: files ldap
  shadow: files ldap
  group: files ldap

If SL5, modify both /etc/ldap.conf and /etc/openldap/ldap.conf by adding:

  uri ldap://<ldap-server-hostname>
  base dc=storm,dc=cnaf,

If SL6 modify both /etc/openldap/ldap.conf and /etc/nslcd.conf by adding:

  uri ldap://<ldap-server-hostname>
  base dc=storm,dc=cnaf,

A.1.3 Test client-server LDAP installation  

From a configured client we need to know UIDs and/or GIDs of server’s LDAP users. That users has not to be defined as UNIX-users on clients. To query the LDAP server from one of the clients type, for example, you can list all the contents in db:

$ ldapsearch -x -b 'dc=storm,dc=cnaf,'

you can search a particular uid or group:

$ ldapsearch -x "uid=storm"
$ ldapsearch -x "group=storm"

or you can get the UID or GID of a username:

$ id -u storm
$ id -g storm

Verify that the obtained values are equals to the previous defined.