StoRM Info Provider v. 1.8.2

Released on 07.08.2020 with StoRM v. 1.11.18. centos6 centos7


This release:

  • changes the way Info Provider checks if Backend is running by calling the REST endpoint;
  • fixes the list of endpoint published when using STORM_WEBDAV_POOL_LIST YAIM variable;
  • fixes wrong storage space values published in case multiple storage area have the same VO.

Bug fixes

  • [STOR-1212] - Change the way Info Provider checks if Backend is running
  • [STOR-1213] - WebDAV endpoint not published in case the latest logic is used
  • [STOR-1214] - Wrong storage space values are published in case multiple storage area have the same VO

Installation and configuration

On RHEL6, update package:

yum update storm-dynamic-info-provider

and run YAIM.

On RHEL7, the info provider is installed through StoRM Puppet Backend class. You can tune some info by using the following variables:

class { 'storm::backend':
  info_config_file => '/etc/storm/info-provider/storm-yaim-variables.conf',
  info_sitename => 'This is the name of the site',
  info_storage_default_root => '/storage',
  info_endpoint_quality_level => 2,

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