StoRM Frontend v.1.8.13

Released on 07.08.2020 with StoRM v. 1.11.18. centos6 centos7


This release mainly introduces the support to CentOS 7.


  • [STOR-1170] - curl_global_init should be called before spawning threads
  • [STOR-1090] - SystemD support for StoRM Frontend

Installation and configuration

On RHEL6, update package:

yum update storm-frontend-server

and run YAIM.

On RHEL7, to install and configure StoRM Frontend you can use StoRM Puppet module as follows:

puppet module install cnafsd-storm
class { 'storm::frontend':
  be_xmlrpc_host  => '',
  be_xmlrpc_token => 'NS4kYAZuR65XJCq',
  db_user         => 'storm',
  db_passwd       => 'storm',

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